[问] I'm having trouble setting fixed widths on columns which use colspan. It seems that neither IE8, Firefox or Chrome can figure out how to correctly size columns with colspan. Try the following code to see the problem in action: <h2>One table with…
:数据库语句: create database LandDB; use LandDB; create table T_BL_CANTON_CODE ( CTN_CODE int primary key, CTN_NAME varchar() not null, GOV_NAME varchar() not null, LAND_DP_NAME varchar() not null, PARENT_CODE int not null );INSERT INTO `landdb`.`t_bl_can…
1 前台jsp:文件的上传利用了iframe实现局部刷新功能.使用了apache的fileupload组件,用到的jar: commons-fileupload.jar,commons-io.jarDiskFileItemFactory fac = new DiskFileItemFactory();ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(fac);upload.setHeaderEncoding("utf-8"); Html代…
Today I encountered an issue with the WPF standard CombBox where if the bound ItemsSource (collection) of a ComboBox has changed the binding on the SelectedItem of the ComboBox will fail to update to the already properly set view model property. For…
description Hi Jan, I have noticed that when I set a column width there is a discrepancy between the width that I set in code and what Excel reports. From the code below, Excel reports the width to be 11.27. Excel reports the height to be exactly wha…