Cory Petosky's website Edit 11/17/2010: While this article's XNA+WPF solution worked when I wrote it, in mid 2009, it no longer functions. This solution might get you halfway there, but I have not researched the other half as I am no longer regularly… Download Source Code from GitHub Introduction There are not too many choices when it comes to displaying HTML inside of a WPF application without mixing code w…
一个很好的列子: 使用MVVM The WPF solution has much the same structure as the Silverlight one; however, all of the ViewModel, View and Resource files are included as…
Sept. 22, 2015 学一道算法题, 经常回顾一下. 第二次重温, 决定增加一些图片, 帮助自己记忆. 在网上找他人的资料, 不如自己动手. 把从底向上树的算法搞通俗一些. 先做一个例子: 9/22/2015 Go over one example to build some muscle memory about this bottom up, O(1) solution to find the root node in subtree function. Sorted List: 1…
Error: “A field or property with the name was not found on the selected data source” get only on server up vote4down votefavorite2I publish my project without any warning on local iis and it works correctly (localhost/[myprojectName]). so, i upload t…
afterTextChanged() callback being called without the text being actually changed up vote8down votefavorite I have a fragment with an EditText and inside the onCreateView() I add a TextWatcher to the EditText. Each time the fragment is being added f…
reference from: Creating a CSRF protection with Spring 3.1 CSRF Attacks still seems to be a problem, a pity that there is no standard solution in the Spring 3.1 frame…
Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await You can avoid performance bottlenecks and enhance the overall responsiveness of your application by using asynchronous programming. However, traditional techniques for writing asynchronous applications ca…
LiangNa AnShan Street, YangPu, NY OBJECTIVE: Seeking a position to contribute my skills and educational background in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science AREAS OF INTEREST: .NET Technologies, Wpf Application Development, Da…