Web service request GetDataSourceContents to Report Server http://crm-vm/reportserver/ReportService2005.asmx failed with SoapException. Error: The item '/SharedReports/5.0.xxxx/MSCRM_FetchDataSource' cannot be found. 解决方法 到 \Program Files\Microsoft C…
本文转自:http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jorgepc/archive/2008/02/12/ssis-error-dts-e-cannotacquireconnectionfromconnectionmanager-when-connecting-to-oracle-data-source.aspx This time I want to discuss a support case that took me some days to get fixed. This case…
Error: “A field or property with the name was not found on the selected data source” get only on server up vote4down votefavorite2I publish my project without any warning on local iis and it works correctly (localhost/[myprojectName]). so, i upload t…
anacoda安装的jupyter,使用nginx进行了转发,远程访问可以进去,但是创建文件和创建目录都会报错 浏览器页面报错: 第一次使用jupyter创建python时错误:Creating Notebook Failed An error occurred while creating a new notebook. 后台日志报错: [W 11:06:56.582 NotebookApp] Blocking Cross Origin API request for /api/content…
站点信息同步失败 An unknown error occurred. May be DNS Error. (ERRCODE:1) 经过Discuz教程网(http://www.1314study.com/)逐一排查代码,发现是:source\plugin\manyou\Service\Client\Restful.php 文件里的一处请求超时时间设置太短,所以解决办法就是将超时间改大点,具体修改如下:搜索找到: $result = $this->_fsockopen($url, 0, $dat…
Designing Your Data Source and Delegate 设计你的数据源和委托 Every collection view must have a data source object providing it with content to display. The data source object is an object that your app provides. It could be an object from your app’s data mod…
An error occurred while opening mailbox Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Providers. Whenever I check how CRM is doing internally I always check the event viewer to see if there’s anything going wrong with Dynamics CRM. The most common error I see in the ev…
weblogic 莫名无法启动: <Apr , :: PM CST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-> <Failed to initialize the application 'taiping-dianshang-core-04201822' due to error weblogic.management.DeploymentException: Exception occured while downloading files…
I am trying to run logstash under c:\program filesbut I get an error An unexpected error occurred! :error => bad URI(is not URI?): file://C:/Program Files/Infra/Data/Shipper/logstash5/config/log4j2.properties, :backtrace => ["C:/Program Files/I…
转自智慧光原文A generic error occurred in GDI+. 解决方法 使用image1.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone)方法时候,出现错误: An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException' occurred in System.Drawing.dll Additional information: A ge…
Issue: an error occurred during local report processing.the definition of the report'Main Report'is invalid. The report definition is not valid.Details:Data at the root level is invalid.Line 1,position 1. Answer 1: 1.please check these items,while pu…
问题: 本人电脑上装了VMware和docker,系统是win10专业版,然后今天想用下docker,打开报错,Hyper-V未开启,开启之后再次报错 An error occurred Hardware assisted virtualization and data execution protection must be enabled in the BIOS.See https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/troubleshoot/#virt…
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dotnet/netframework-3.0/dx0f3cf2(v=vs.85) When working with data source controls it is recommended that you centralize the location of your connection strings by storing them in the application's Web…
xamarin IOS 开发时如果报错如下: an error occurred on client Build420719 while...... 出现如下问题时,可能是1.丢失文件2.没有包括在项目中造成的,而我的问题是丢失了图片文件下的Images.xcassets文件.把文件添加回去就可以了.查错查了大半天,记录下来也许有用. ----Thanks, have a nice day !…
有一段时间没有用到AnkhSvn了,今天工作需要安装了一下.结果安装到一半就无法继续了,提示An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT,publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",version="9.0.30729.6161",processorArchitecture="x86",type="win32&q…
异常名称 //数据源拒绝从服务器建立连接.消息:"连接太多" com.MySQL.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Data source rejected establishment of connection, message from server: "Too many connections" 原因一 MYSQL安装目录打开MY.INI. 找到max_connections…
在测试环境中使用某个账号ESCMOWNER对数据库进行ALTER操作时,老是报如下错误: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-20016: (ALTER) Action denied as it is a protected object! ORA-06512: at line 7 不清楚发生了什么情况,于是想跟踪当前会话,查看具体原因,查看当前会话的SID为967 SELECT USERENV('SID') FROM D…