#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #include<string> #include<cmath> #include<map> #include<set> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<stack> #in…
Problem C: The Dragon of Loowater Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Loowater, a minor nuisance turned into a major problem. The shores of Rellau Creek in central Loowater had always been a prime breeding ground for geese. Due to the lack of predato…
---恢复内容开始--- 题目: Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Loowater, a minor nuisance turned into a major problem. The shores of Rellau Creek in central Loowater had always been a prime breeding ground for geese. Due to the lack of predators, the geese pop…
你的王国里有一条n个头的恶龙,你希望雇佣一些骑士把它杀死(也就是砍掉所有的头).村里有m个骑士可以雇佣,一个能力值为 x 的骑士可以砍掉恶龙一个直径不超过 x 的头,且需要支付 x 个金币.如何雇佣骑士才能砍掉恶龙所有的头,并且支付最小的金币?注意,一个骑士只能砍一个头并且仅能被雇佣1次 因为要保证用的钱最少,所以先把骑士按照能力值从小到大进行排序.然后从最小的开始一个一个进行匹配.在进行匹配的时候又出现一个问题,那就是每个骑士只能雇佣一次.这里有2个处理方法,第一个是开一个数组用来标记该骑士是…
题目大意: 你的王国里有一条n个头的恶龙,你希望雇佣一些骑士把它杀死(即砍掉所有头).村里有m个骑士可以雇佣,一个能力值为x的骑士可以砍掉恶龙一个直径不超过x的头,且需要支付x个金币.如何雇佣骑士才能砍掉龙的所有头,且需要支付的金币最少?注意,一个骑士只能砍一个头.(且不能被雇佣两次). 输入格式 输入包含多组数据.每组数据的第一行为正整数n和m(1<=n,m<=20000):以下n行每行为一个整数,即恶龙每个头的直径:以下m行每行为一个整数,即每个骑士的能力.输入结束标志为n=m=0. 输出…
丽娃河的狼人传说 Time limit per test: 1.0 seconds Time limit all tests: 1.0 seconds Memory limit: megabytes 丽娃河是华师大著名的风景线.但由于学校财政紧缺,丽娃河边的路灯年久失修,一到晚上就会出现走在河边要打着手电的情况,不仅非常不方便,而且影响安全:已经发生了大大小小的事故多起. 方便起见,丽娃河可以看成是从 到 n 的一条数轴.为了美观,路灯只能安装在整数点上,每个整数点只能安装一盏路灯.经专业勘测,…
Summer holidays! Someone is going on trips, someone is visiting grandparents, but someone is trying to get a part-time job. This summer Noora decided that she wants to earn some money, and took a job in a shop as an assistant. Shop, where Noora is wo…
Problem C: The Dragon of Loowater Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Loowater, a minor nuisance turned into a major problem. The shores of Rellau Creek in central Loowater had always been a prime breeding ground for geese. Due to the lack of predato…
Problem C: The Dragon of Loowater Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Loowater, a minor nuisance turned into a major problem. The shores of Rellau Creek in central Loowater had always been a prime breeding ground for geese. Due to the lack of predato…
  The Dragon of Loowater Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Loowater, a minor nuisance turned into a major problem. The shores of Rellau Creek in central Loowater had always been a prime breeding ground for geese. Due to the lack of predators, the g…