看到MSN或QQ,都支持隐身聊天. Lync Server  2013也是支持的.   1.Server端:Lync 2013 Server 缺省策略是没有设置显示脱机功能.(设置前截图)   2.直接修改服务器端策略,开启脱机选项. Get-CSClientPolicy | Set-CSClientPolicy -EnableAppearOffline $true   3.设置完成后,重启Lync客户端测试. (附Lync 2010和Lync 2013客户端截图: 如下图所示的路径,新建一个名…
Now that we have a fully functional UC lab it's time to start using the lab to explore various aspects of the UC world.  In this post we'll take a deep dive into the Lync Client process of logging into a Lync Server. First though, if you've been foll…
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> int main() { ; ; ; unsigned ] = {}; sc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); ){ perror("socket"); ; }…
refer to http://www.shudnow.net/2012/09/18/manually-enable-appear-offline-in-lync-2013-preview-via-registry/ Lync 2013, just as with previous releases, allows the ability to Appear Offline. And just as with previous releases, you can enable this func…
这是一篇非常详细和精彩的介绍MAPI over HTTP协议英文博文.原文地址如下: http://blogs.technet.com/b/exchange/archive/2014/05/09/outlook-connectivity-with-mapi-over-http.aspx 作者:Brian Shiers | Technical Product Manager Outlook Connectivity with MAPI over HTTP Among the many new fe…
python网络编程具体参考<python select网络编程详细介绍>. 在python中,select函数是一个对底层操作系统的直接访问的接口.它用来监控sockets.files和pipes,等待IO完成(Waiting for I/O completion).当有可读.可写或是异常事件产生时,select可以很容易的监控到. select.select(rlist, wlist, xlist[, timeout]) 传递三个参数,一个为输入而观察的文件对象列表,一个为输出而观察的文件…
刚看了反应堆模式的原理,特意复习了socket编程,本文主要介绍python的基本socket使用和select使用,主要用于了解socket通信过程 一.socket模块 socket - Low-level networking interface This module provides access to the BSD socket interface. It is available on all modern Unix systems, Windows, MacOS, and pr…
项目:一个公共聊天室功能的实现,实现了登录聊天,保存聊天记录等功能. 一.实现代码 1.客户端 ChatClient.java import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import jav…
代码: 服务器端Server import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Server{ public static ServerSocket server_socket; public static ArrayList<Socket> socketList=new ArrayList<Socket>(); public static void main(String […
到非常多开发IM系统的朋友都想实现聊天记录存储和查询这一不可或缺的功能,这里我就把自己前段时间为傲瑞通(OrayTalk)开发聊天记录模块的经验分享出来,供须要的朋友參考下. 一.整体设计 1.存储位置 从一開始我们就打算在服务端和client本地同一时候存储聊天记录.并且,在client查看聊天记录时.能够选择是从本地载入.还是从server载入.这样做的优点有两个: (1)从本地载入聊天记录速度很快. (2)当更换了登录的机器,在不论什么地方不论什么时刻都能够从server载入完整的聊天记录…