VOUT = 2.5V * ( 1 + 24/10 ) = 2.5 * 3.4 = 8.5V Newer PIC18s, such as my current favorite – PIC18F26K20, don’t like to be programmed with 12V. The datasheet maximum is 9V. Older Microchip programmers/d…
There are commonly three types of memories in a PIC Microcontroller, Flash Program Memory, Data Memory (RAM) and EEPROM Data Memory. We write Programs in the Flash Program Memory of a microcontroller. Flash memory makes it possible to program a micro…
Sound card based RFID sniffer/emulator (Too tired after to do draw the schematics better than that :) Stay tuned for the next version including Tag emulation.) baudline FFT signal analyzer for sniffing LF RFID tags using our sound card based…
Earlier articles in this series: Part I: Idempotence Part II: Immutability Part III: Volatility Part IV: Singletons Oh, hell, this article just had to be about state machines, didn’t it? State machines! Those damned little circles and arrows and q’s.… 在这里输入合适的版号即可 这样就可以不用去 CSDN 了 100000_0000_00_EN - ARM CoreLink DMC-520 Dynamic Memory Controller Technical Reference Manual100000_0001_00_EN - ARM CoreLink DMC-520 Dynamic Memory Controller Technical Re…
今天来说说 MicroPython 的架构情况,如果有必要我会做一些源码分析的文章供大家参考. 先来认识一下 MicroPython 整体情况,可以从软件的角度上去看待,首先我们拿到 MicroPython 的主仓库. 直接 git clone ,在 Windows 下进行操作了解一下. 之后需要交叉编译代码的时候,必然会回到 Linux ,Windows 10 的发展 Linux 内核还需要一些时间,但应该也…
In need of a programmer for PIC micro controllers I decided to build my own one. This programmer has been designated as "PIC JDM Prototype Programmer 1001" because it is very likely the 1001st PIC programmer :-) The programmer is basically opera… My Tait Serial programmer works alright, but not every computer has a parallel port, and these days they're almost extinct. Most laptop don't even have a serial port! Thinking ahead a USB programmer s…
当php报出  Cannot send session cache limiter 或Cannot modify header information   的错误时   其理论上是因为php代码以前有html的代码    我今天发现这个错误 然后去看了下php文件   发现<?php  的上一行为空行   去掉之后再刷新页面解决   往往还有的错误是因为  headr()这个函数值钱有过输出  或者html代码…
在电子电路中,常可以看到VCC.VDD和VSS三种不同的符号,它们有什么区别呢? 一.解释 VCC:C=circuit 表示电路的意思, 即接入电路的电压: VDD:D=device 表示器件的意思, 即器件内部的工作电压: VSS:S=series 表示公共连接的意思,通常指电路公共接地端电压. 二.说明 1.对于数字电路来说,VCC是电路的供电电压,VDD是芯片的工作电压(通常Vcc>Vdd),VSS是接地点. 2.有些IC既有VDD引脚又有VCC引脚,说明这种器件自身带有电压转换功能. 3…