Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule】的更多相关文章 manager's schedule 随意性强,指随时安排会面,开会等活动的 schedule; maker's schedule - 需要连贯的不被打扰的时间,用于从事创造性活动. 在 manager's schedule 下,仅需关注 what; 而在 maker's schedule 下需要关注 how. 需要深入思考. 大多数有影响力的人工作在 manager's schedule 下.他们通常会…
Cooking Schedule Problem Code: SCHEDULE Chef is a well-known chef, and everyone wishes to taste his dishes. As you might know, cooking is not an easy job at all and cooking everyday makes the chef very tired. So, Chef has decided to give himself some…
real-world schedule 是真实场景模式  可以通过增加ACTION来增加多个用户 basic schedule 是我们以前用的 经典模式  只能设置一次负载的上升和下降…
Successful projects start with a good quality project schedule. Creating a schedule is one of the first tasks you should do when given a project to manage. There is often a temptation to get on with the work and worry about the schedule later, but th…
There are a total of n courses you have to take, labeled from 0 to n - 1. Some courses may have prerequisites, for example to take course 0 you have to first take course 1, which is expressed as a pair: [0,1] Given the total number of courses and a l…
原文: schedule的语法为: schedule(kind, [chunk_size]) kind: • static: Iterations are divided into chunks of size chunk_size. Chunks are assigned to threads in the team in round-robin fashion in order…
1.  schedule() ,2个参数方法:在执行任务时,如果指定的计划执行时间scheduledExecutionTime <= systemCurrentTime,则task会被立即执行. 2.  schedule() ,3个参数方法:在执行任务时,如果指定的计划执行时间scheduledExecutionTime <= systemCurrentTime,则task会被立即执行,之后按period参数固定重复执行. 3.  scheduleAtFixedRate() ,3个参数方法:在…
1.  schedule() ,2个参数方法:在执行任务时,如果指定的计划执行时间scheduledExecutionTime <= systemCurrentTime,则task会被立即执行. 2.  schedule() ,3个参数方法:在执行任务时,如果指定的计划执行时间scheduledExecutionTime <= systemCurrentTime,则task会被立即执行,之后按period参数固定重复执行. 3.  scheduleAtFixedRate() ,3个参数方法:在…
#!/bin/bash source /etc/profile; ################################################## # Author: ouyangyewei # # # # Content: Combineorder Algorithm # ################################################## # change workspace to here cd / cd /home/deploy/rec…
 1 概述 游戏乃至图形界面的本质是不断地画图,然而画图并非任意的,不论什么游戏都须要遵循一定的规则来呈现出来,这些规则就体现为游戏逻辑.游戏逻辑会控制游戏内容,使其依据用户输入和时间流逝而改变.因此.游戏能够抽象为不断地反复. 2 下面动作: A 处理用户输入 B 处理定时事件 C 画图 游戏主循环就是这种一个循环,它会重复运行以上动作,保持游戏进行下去.直到玩家退出游戏. CCDirector::mainLoop()方法,这种方法负责调动定时器,画图,发送全局通知,并处理内存回收池.该方…