Reference: <An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, Revised 13th Edition> Financial Application 1: Management of Welte imposed the following investment guidelines.1. Neither industry (oil or steel) should re…
Reference: <An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, Revised 13th Edition> Marketing Application 1: Relax-and-Enjoy provided BP&J with an advertising budget of $30,000 for the first month’s campaign. In a…
Reference: <An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, Revised 13th Edition> A Make-or-Buy Decision: Company forecasters indicate that 3000 Financial Manager calculators and 2000 Technician calculators will be…
Reference: <An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, Revised 13th Edition> Instance Hauck Investment Services designs annuities, IRAs, 401(k) plans, and other investment vehicles for investors with a variety…
Reference: <An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, Revised 13th Edition> Instance Suppose that two companies are the only manufacturers of a particular product; they compete against each other for market sh…
Reference: <An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, Revised 13th Edition> Leisure Air has two Boeing 737-400 airplanes, one based in Pittsburgh and the other in Newark. Both airplanes have a coach section wi…
Reference: <An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, Revised 13th Edition> Evaluating the Performance of HospitalsThe hospital administrators at General Hospital, University Hospital, County Hospital, and Sta…
来自文档: Oracle  Financial Applications Technical Reference Manual  更多明细参考文档 Table Name                                                 Description AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL                            Accounting entry headers table (See page 3 – 8) AP_AE_LINES_…
凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 造纸厂接到定单,所需卷纸的宽度和长度如表 卷纸的宽度 长度 5 7 9 10000 30000 20000 工厂生产1号(宽度10)和2号(宽度20)两种标准卷纸,其长度未加规定.现按定单要求对标准卷纸进行切割,切割后有限长度的卷纸可连接起来达到所需卷纸的长度.问如何安排切割计划以满足定单需求而使切割损失最小? 解:为了满足定单要求和使切割损失最小,我们可以使用多种切割方法来进行组合.此时,我们不但要考虑对…
凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 说明: Lingo版本:                            某工厂明年根据合同,每个季度末向销售公司提供产品,有关信息如下表.若当季生产的产品过多,季末有积余,则一个季度每积压一吨产品需支付存贮费O.2万元.现该厂考虑明年的最佳生产方案,使该厂在完成合同的情况下,全年的生产费用最低.试建立模型. 季度j 生产能力aj(吨) 生产成本dj (万元/吨) 需求量bj(吨)     1    …