1. Vacuum cleaner: 吸尘器 2.Cordless vacuum cleaner: 无线吸尘器 3.Robotic vacuum cleaner: 机器人吸尘器 动词:to vacuum* 5.Iron: 电熨斗动词:to iron 6.Fan: 电扇 7.Heater: 暖气.暖汀 8.Air-con: 空调 9.Humidifier: 加湿器 10.Dehumidifier: 除湿器 11.Air purifier: 空气净化器 12. Hair dryer: 电吹风 13.…
最近发现一个很好用的一个前端控件echarts,效果非常不错,兼容ie8+以上等主流浏览器.可以使用它制作报表,地图示意图等,可用其实现一系列强大的功能. 其基于html5 Canvas,是一个纯Javascript图表库,提供直观,生动,可交互,可个性化定制的数据可视化图表.创新的拖拽重计算.数据视图.值域漫游等特性大大增强了用户体验,赋予了用户对数据进行挖掘,整合的能力.提供商业产品常用图表,创建了坐标系,图例,提示,工具箱等基础组件,并在此上构建出折线图(区域图).柱状图(条状图).散点图…
ACM思维题训练集合 A new Berland businessman Vitaly is going to open a household appliances' store. All he's got to do now is to hire the staff. The store will work seven days a week, but not around the clock. Every day at least k people must work in the sto…
1. Microwave Ovens 2. Electric Kettles 3. Coffeemakers 4. Espresso Machines 5. Toasters 6. Sandwich Maker 7. Breadmakers 8. Contact Grills 9. Hotplates 10. Hot Dog Steamers 11. Rice Cookers 12. Juicers 13. Food Dehydrators 14. Hand Mixers 15. Stick B…
Wall lamps are mostly used for local lighting, can play a very decorative effect, improve the visual effect of the whole home space, especially suitable for European and American decoration style, wall lamps are more kinds, LED wall lamp is one of th…
#瓦登尔湖词频统计: import string path = 'D:/python3/Walden.txt' with open(path,'r',encoding= 'utf-8') as text: words = [raw_word.strip(string.punctuation).lower() for raw_word in text.read().split()] words_index = set(words) counts_dict = {index:words.count(…
/******************************************************************* *输出全国各省辖市下拉列表项writeCitys() *输出企业性质下拉列表项writeProperity() *输出工作岗位类别下拉列表项writeJobs() *输出行业类别下拉列表项writeCalling() *输出学历下拉列表项writeDegree() *输出更新时间下拉列表项writeUpdateDate() *Date:2004-06-28 *…
CHAPTER 40 Science in Our Digital Age 第40章 我们数字时代的科学 The next time you switch on your computer, you probably won't 'compute'. You might look up something, email your friends, or check the latest football score. But computers were originally machines…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games http://it-ebooks.info/book/3544/Learning Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
Enterprise Solution是一套完整的企业资源计划系统,功能符合众多制造业客户要求.系统以.NET Framework技术作为开发架构,完善的功能可有效地帮助企业进行运营策划,减低成本,如期交付产品,使客户对企业的运作完全在运筹帷幄之中. 主要模块 Modules Enterprise Solution 主要包含以下7大主要模块: 模块 主要功能 销售 Sales 报价,销售订单,送货,退货,客户发票,销售包装 采购 Purchasing 采购申请,采购订单,采购收货,退货,验货,供…