Original link from : http://searchservervirtualization.techtarget.com/tip/Understanding-hosted-and-bare-metal-virtualization-hypervisor-types A virtualization hypervisor comes in one of two forms: a bare-metal hypervisor, also known as Type 1; or a h…
The Linux kernel supports a variety of virtualization schemes, and that's likely to grow as virtualization advances and new schemes are discovered (for example, lguest). But with all these virtualization schemes running on top of Linux, how do they e…
Virtualization Basics Virtualization is not a new concept, but its complexity has been growing, and a number of new paradigms are rising. I will try to demystify some of the concepts behind virtualization, briefly explain some of its basics, and fina…
http://e2e.ti.com/blogs_/b/analogwire/archive/tags/DAC%2bEssentials DAC Essentials: A new blog series A digital-to-analog converter, or DAC, performs the opposite function of an analog-to-digital converter, or ADC. Duh, right? But, have you ever wond…
A system and method for providing dynamic device virtualization is herein disclosed. According to one embodiment, the computer-implemented method includes providing a hypervisor and one or more guest virtual machines (VMs). Each guest VM is disposed…
A cloud system may create physical resource tags to store relationships between cloud computing offerings, such as computing service offerings, storage offerings, and network offerings, and the specific physical resources in the cloud computing envir…
前段时间在design+code购买了一个学习iOS设计和编码在线课程,使用Sketch设计App,然后使用Swift语言实现Designer News客户端.作者Meng To已经开源到Github:MengTo/DesignerNewsApp · GitHub.虽然实现整个Designer News客户端基本功能,但是采用臃肿MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构,不易于代码的测试和复用,于是使用ReactiveCocoa实现MVVM(Model-View-View Mod…
New Books Kindle Fire App Development Essentials iPhone iOS 6 Development Essentials CentOS 6 Essentials iPhone iOS 5 Development Essentials iPad iOS 4 Development Essentials Xcode 4 Edition Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Cluster Administration Guide Red…
1. Control Plane Latency with SDN Network Hypervisors: The Cost of Virtualization 年份:2016 来源:IEEE NETSOFT 2016 - 2016 IEEE NetSoft Conference and Workshops 基本结构:虚拟机监控程序位于多个虚拟SDN网络和租户控制器之间,其中的虚拟SDN网络位于底层的物理SDN网络基础结构上. NV:网络虚拟化,和SDN结合,可以创建虚拟SDN网络,租户可以通…
http://chuquan.me/2018/09/25/ios-graphics-render-principle/ 通过 图形渲染原理 一文,大致能够了解图形渲染过程中硬件相关的原理.本文将进一步介绍 iOS 开发过程中图形渲染原理. 图形渲染技术栈 下图所示为 iOS App 的图形渲染技术栈,App 使用 Core Graphics.Core Animation.Core Image 等框架来绘制可视化内容,这些软件框架相互之间也有着依赖关系.这些框架都需要通过 OpenGL 来调用 G…
RACCommand 是一个在 ReactiveCocoa 中比较复杂的类,大多数使用 ReactiveCocoa 的人,尤其是初学者并不会经常使用它. 在很多情况下,虽然使用 RACSignal 和 RACSubject 就能解决绝大部分问题,但是 RACCommand 的使用会为我们带来巨大的便利,尤其是在与副作用相关的操作中.   What-is-RACCommand 文章中不会讨论 RACCommand 中的并行执行问题,也就是忽略了 allowsConcurrentExecution…
[转]How to Start Intel Hardware-assisted Virtualization (hypervisor) on Linux to Speed-up Intel Android x86 Emulator The Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (Intel® HAXM) is a hardware-assisted virtualization engine (hypervisor) that uses Int…
翻译自:Virtualization and Performance: Understanding VM Exits 出于对特定指令 或 特定事件(eg.  page fault)的响应而导致的VM Exit(虚拟机退出)是造成虚拟化系统性能下降的主要原因.但是你有没有想过,为什么会这样?无论出于什么原因,VM Exit的背后究竟发生了什么? VM Exit意味着从当前运行的VM 到 VMM之间存在一个转换点,而VMM出于特定原因必须执行系统控制.通常,处理器必须保存VM退出时运行状态的快照.对…
A system and method in one embodiment includes modules for detecting an access attempt to a critical address space (CAS) of a guest operating system (OS) that has implemented address space layout randomization in a hypervisor environment, identifying…
Techniques for configuring a hypervisor scheduler to make use of cache topology of processors and physical memory distances between NUMA nodes when making scheduling decisions. In the same or other embodiments the hypervisor scheduler can be configur…
Earlier this year, VMware, Microsoft, Red Hat and Intel published an IETF draft on Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation (Geneve). This draft (first published on Valentine’s Day no less) includes authors from the each of the first generation e…
Understanding and configuring the physical connections of a host in a CloudStack deployment can at first be very confusing. While Software Defined Networking (SDN) is set to greatly simplify some aspects, its integration within CloudStack is not full…
The virtualization API 之开源 libvirt探究 By Ruiy: libvirt supports Hypervisors(注,相关的hypervisors项目的权威网站已经加入到链接中,感兴趣探究): The KVM/QEMU Linux hypervisor The Xen hypervisor on Linux and Solaris hosts. The LXC Linux container system The OpenVZ Linux container…
在我们日常服务器管理中,常常会遇到创建虚拟机,如果在一台新部署的 Hyper-V 上新建一个 Virtual Machine 时,出现错误信息:"The virtual machine could not be started because the hypervisor is not running", 我们会如何处理呢? 在解决这个问题之前,先了解一下 hypervisor ,Hypervisor 是一个存在于操作系统之下的软件层,直接位于硬件之上.它能够处理许多以前在虚拟机管理软…
本章为读者提供了Linux虚拟化中流行技术的深刻见解,以及相较于其他同类技术的优势特点.本书共有14章,囊括了KVM虚拟化中的各个方面,从KVM的内部构造开始,并包括了诸如软件定义网络(SDN),性能调节和优化以及P2V(physical to virtual migration)等高级内容. 在本章中,我们将学习以下内容: Linux虚拟化和它的基本概念 为什么我们要使用Linux虚拟化 Hypervisor/VMM 在云计算中,Linux虚拟化可以为你提供什么 公有云和私有云 TIP:在开始…
在第二章,你了解了KVM的内部结构:在本章中,您将了解如何将Linux服务器设置为虚拟化主机.我们正在讨论将KVM用于虚拟化并将libvirt作为虚拟化管理引擎. KVM开启了虚拟化并利用你的服务器或工作站来运行虚拟机.从技术术语来说,KVM是一组针对具备虚拟化扩展的x86架构硬件的内核模块:被加载后,它可以将Linux服务器转化为虚拟化hypervisor.可加载模块包括kvm.ko,它提供了核心虚拟化功能,以及一个处理器相关的模块,如kvm-intel.ko或者kvm-amd.ko. NOT…
hypervisor 之于操作系统类似于操作系统之于进程.它们为执行提供独立的虚拟硬件平台,而虚拟硬件平台反过来又提供对底层机器的虚拟的完整访问.但并不是所有 hypervisor 都是一样的,这是件好事,因为 Linux 就是以灵活性和选择性著称.本文首先简要介绍虚拟化和 hypervisor,然后探索两个基于 Linux 的 hypervisor. 虚拟化和 hypervisor developerWorks 上 Tim 所著的其他 系列文章 Linux flash 文件系统剖析 Secur…
Your Linux server is running slow, so you follow standard procedure and run top. You see the CPU metrics: But what do all of those 2-letter abbreviations mean? The 3 CPU states Let's take a step back. There are 3 general states your CPU can be in: Id…
服务器版本:CentOS Linux release 7.4 Linux lb 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 22 21:09:27 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/yogurtwu/p/9988974.html 注:在翻了很多baidu和google相关文章后,逐步排查,根据手动执行libvirtd命令出现的报错信息才查到解决方法.一路坑. 对装有k…
CecOS CecOS 是 OPENFANS 为中小型企业提供企业开源云计算解决方案的基础框架:CecOSvt 是一款运行在社区企业云操作系统(CecOS)上的虚拟化开放式解决方案. 也可用演示模式... 概述 CecOS 是 OPENFANS 为中小型企业提供企业开源云计算解决方案的基础框架:CecOSvt 是一款运行在社区企业云操作系统(CecOS)上的虚拟化开放式解决方案. CecOS Virtualization 是一款针对服务器和桌面虚拟化的完整虚拟化管理解决方案,是一个成熟的.完全开…
Error信息: hardware virtualization is not a feature of the cpu or is not enabled in the BIOS 解决方案: F2进入BIOS, 启用Virtualization Technology When installing a virtualized instance of VMware ESXi 5 on top of a physical ESXi 5 instance you may receive the fo…
http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/openstack-for-nfv-applications-enabling-single-root-i-o-virtualization-and-pci-passthrough NFV Without entering into the details of the NFV specifications, the goal in OpenStack is to optimize network, memory a…
The Mirantis NFV initiative aims to create an NFV ecosystem for OpenStack, with validated  hardware at the bottom; hardened, configurationally-optimized OpenStack as a platform in the middle, and validated VNFs and other NFV software and application…
I recently worked on a project to create a “virtual appliance” for one of our customers. They have an server application that they would like to distribute to their customers along with some new devices, and a virtual appliance is a good way to do th…
官方文档学习 https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/pdf/Virtualization_Getting_Started_Guide/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Virtualization_Getting_Started_Guide-en-US.pdf CPU虚拟化 模拟 emulation 对于CPU来说,需要模拟ring 虚拟机内核运行在ri…