SqlBulkCopy 批量复制报错: Received an invalid column length from the bcp client for colid 5. 翻译:从bcp客户端收到一个对Colid 5 无效的列长度 即导入的excel第5列长度超长,检查发现第五列“名字”有一个名字是公司名字超长, 数据库定义类型为varchar(50),改名字汉子总长26,即需要至少varchar(52)的长度, 缩短改名字解决问题. 参考链接:http://blog.lixin.me/arc…
Received an invalid response. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. 今天在做二级联动,使用ajax请求xml数据,在用ie8与chrome做测试时就出现了这句话,看到网上也有说跨域等其他,更改浏览器等...... 我的解决方法:我把它放在iis服务器进行测试,请求数据就正常了!…
一个注意点,就是sqlalchemy 使用create_all()建表的时候,要在 create_all()所在页面import那些表的model sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (1074, "Column length too big for column 'err_solution' (max = 21845); use BLOB or TEXT instead") [SQ…
Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /wpsp/. Reason: Error reading from remote server Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Server at www.xaut.edu.cn Port 80 解决方法:重启Ap…
错误信息: InnerException: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlExceptionHResult=-2146232060Message=Invalid column name 'Discriminator'.Invalid column name 'Discriminator'.Invalid column name 'Discriminator'.Invalid column name 'ExStatus'.Source=.Net SqlClient Data P…
tengine2.2.3报错502的The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server问题处理 现象:访问订单的时候报错:502 Bad Gateway The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. Sorry for the inconvenience.Please report this message and…
`TypeError: torch.mm received an invalid combination of arguments - got (torch.FloatTensor, Variable), but expected one of: (torch.SparseFloatTensor mat1, torch.FloatTensor mat2) (torch.FloatTensor source, torch.FloatTensor mat2) They can, but a func…