Basic idea:  insert artificial delays to the release times of certain vertices of a task graph to get a new graph with a smoother workload, while still meeting the timing constraints of the original task graph. Contribution: the proposed method can m…
  Code understanding is a task we are always doing, though we are not even aware that we're doing it. It's an obvious need when a colleague is leaving and another gets his code. However, we have to learn code in lots of cases, i.e. when: we continue…
Using our techniques, task set transformation is performed by modifying the parameters related to each vertex in task graphs step by step. Our transformation technique provides monotonic schedulability improvement guarantees at each step of the trans…
原文链接 Awesome C++ A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. Awesome C++ Standard Libraries Frameworks Artificial Intelligence Asynchronous Event Loop Audio Biology BitTorren…
How can I fix “Compilation unit name must end with .java, or one of the registered Java-like extensions”?          up vote7down votefavorite 1 This error comes up in an alert box when I try saving my js file in eclipse: Compilation unit name must end…
原文地址: Mylyn 2.0,第 1 部分: 集成的任务管理 使用集成的 Eclipse 问题跟踪功能简化工作 现在,在 2.0 版中,Mylyn(以前称为 Mylar)通过将任务无缝集成到 Eclipse 中并在工作时自动管理任务上下文,提高了效率.Mylyn 项目主管 Mik Kersten 更新了他撰写的分两部分的 Mylyn 使用指南,以便包括根据 Mylyn 1.0 的大量用户反馈而… 地里面基本没有什么behaviour问题的样本,所以准备起来好艰难.下面是我准备的一些例子,本来准备每一条准备两个cases,然后14条太多了,写的快死掉了也没写完,大家可以用作样本看看.具体onsite回答的时候根本想不起来哪个对应哪个问题,但是准备…
因为工作需要,可能我离前端走远了,偏node方向了.所以异步编程的需求很多,于是乎,不得不带着学习async了. 我有个习惯,用别人的东西之前,喜欢稍微搞明白点,so就带着看看其源码. github: 文档: 里面提供的工具方法,控制流程方法还是很多的.所以需要哪些方法,就看相应的源码. 下面是其全部源码. (function (global, factory) { typ… 1/4Java Programming 2014Course Code: EBU4201Mini ProjectTask 1 [30 marks]SmileyCount is a simple application used by children to practise their counting and adding skills(see Figure 1).Figure 1 First launch with some input values ent…
How Blink works Author: haraken@ Last update: 2018 Aug 14 Status: PUBLIC Working on Blink is not easy. It's not easy for new Blink developers because there are a lot of Blink-specific concepts and coding conventions that have been introduced to imple…