SQL SERVER – Fix: Error : 402 The data types ntext and varchar are incompatible in the equal to operator Some errors are very simple to understand but the solution of the same is not easy to figure out. Here is one of the similar errors where it clea…
复数类CComplex 编译器做对象运算的时候,会调用对象的运算符重载函数(优先调用成员方法):如果没有成员方法,就砸全局作用域找合适的运算符重载函数 ++和--运算符是单目运算符,在参数列表里放上一个int表示其在数的前面还是后面:operator++()表示前置,operator++(int)表示后置,括号里的int没有任何作用. 复数类的具体实现: // // Created by 26685 on 2022-05-16 13:43. // Description:CComplex.h /…