Sequentially-consistent ordering】的更多相关文章

SMP Primer for Android 1.In this document Theory Memory consistency models Processor consistency CPU cache behavior Observability ARM’s weak ordering Data memory barriers Store/store and load/load Load/store and store/load Barrier instructions Addres…
小结: 1. 很多时候,编译器和 CPU 引起内存乱序访问不会带来什么问题,但一些特殊情况下,程序逻辑的正确性依赖于内存访问顺序,这时候内存乱序访问会带来逻辑上的错误, 2. ============================ ABSTRACT MEMORY ACCESS MODEL ===================…
先引入cppreference中的描述: Atomic operations tagged memory_order_seq_cst not only order memory the same way as release/acquire ordering (everything that happened-before a store in one thread becomes a visible side effect in the thread that did a load), but…
Linux has supported a large number of SMP systems based on a variety of CPUs since the 2.0 kernel. Linux has done an excellent job of abstracting away differences among these CPUs, even in kernel code. One important difference is how CPUs allow memor…
概念: 摘录自: Acquire semantics is a property which can only apply to operations which read from shared memory, whether they are read-modify-write operations or plain loads. The operation is then…
The JSR-133 Cookbook for Compiler Writers by Doug Lea, with help from members of the JMM mailing list. Preface: Over the 10+ years since this was initially written, many processor and language memory model specifications and issues…
C++11开发中的Atomic原子操作 Nicol的博客铭 原文 主题 C++ 原子操作在多线程开发中经常用到,比如在计数器,序列产生器等地方,这类情况下数据有并发的危险,但是用锁去保护又显得有些浪费,所以原子类型操作十分的方便. 原子操作虽然用起来简单,但是其背景远比我们想象…
深入理解Java内存模型(一)——基础 深入理解Java内存模型(二)——重排序 深入理解Java内存模型(三)——顺序一致性 深入理解Java内存模型(四)——volatile 深入理解Java内存模型(五)——锁 深入理解Java内存模型(六)——final 深入理解Java内存模型(七)——总结 (一)——基础 1,并发编程模型的分类 在并发编程中,我们需要处理两个关键问题: 线程之间如何通信及线程之间如何同步(这里的线程是指并发执行的活动实体). 通信是指线程之间以何种机制来交换信息.…
深入理解Java内存模型(一)——基础 并发编程模型的分类 在并发编程中,我们需要处理两个关键问题:线程之间如何通信及线程之间如何同步(这里的线程是指并发执行的活动实体).通信是指线程之间以何种机制来交换信息.在命令式编程中,线程之间的通信机制有两种:共享内存和消息传递.   在共享内存的并发模型里,线程之间共享程序的公共状态,线程之间通过写-读内存中的公共状态来隐式进行通信.在消息传递的并发模型里,线程之间没有公共状态,线程之间必须通过明确的发送消息来显式进行通信. 同步是指程序用于控制不同线…
A data processor supports the use of multiple memory models by computer programs. At a device external to a data processor, such as a memory controller, memory transactions requests are received from the data processor. Each memory transaction reques…