一.前言 很久没写技术博客了,有些懈怠,生活还得继续折腾.转眼工作一年多,时间越长越发觉得自己知之甚少,当然这跟IC行业技术密集有关.用空余时间在opencores网站上下载些小的IP看看 验证下,让自己对EDA tool, design, testbench, bus protocol都能有更好的认识.这次接触的是WISHBONE I2C Master Core.仿真验证工具是IES(Irun)+Simvision. 二.IP概述 这一IP也是直接从Opencores网站上下载,对于FPGA平…
FPGA proven, AISC proven, I2C controller core from OpenCores http://opencores.org/project,i2c Bit-controller 5 block 1) capture SCL and SDA -- port scl_i : in std_logic; sda_i : in std_logic; 5 -- architecture 7 -- block bus_status_ctrl : block singa…
FPGA proven, AISC proven, I2C controller core from OpenCores http://opencores.org/project,i2c Bit-controller -- Translate simple commands into SCL/SDA transitions -- Each command has 5 states, A/B/C/D/idle -- -- start: SCL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\____ -- SDA…
4) detect start/stop condition START- falling edge on SDA while SCL is high;  STOP -  rising edge on SDA while SCL is high 1 -- block signal sta_condition : std_logic; -- start detected signal sto_condition : std_logic; -- stop detected detect_sta_st…
4 generate clock and control signals 1 -- architecture signal iscl_oen, isda_oen : std_logic; -- internal I2C lines signal sda_chk : std_logic; -- check SDA status (multi-master arbitration) signal dscl_oen : std_logic; -- delayed scl_oen signals sig…
6 generate statemachine 1 -- port cmd_ack : out std_logic; -- command completed 4 -- architecture type states is (idle, start_a, start_b, start_c, start_d, start_e, stop_a, stop_b, stop_c, stop_d, rd_a, rd_b, rd_c, rd_d, wr_a, wr_b, wr_c, wr_d); sign…
1. I2C access 1.1. I2C introduction I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit)总线是由NXP恩智浦半导体公司在80年代开发的两线式串行总线,用来进行主控器与被控器的通信.I2C总线具有接口线少,控制方式简单,器件封装形式小,通信速率较高等优点,是微电子通信控制领域广泛采用的一种总线标准. I2C总线由两根信号线构成,一根是串行数据线SDA,一根是串行时钟线SCL,这两根信号线都是双向的,SDA的传输与SCL同步.Figure 1中,连接到总线的…
转自:https://blog.csdn.net/lsn946803746/article/details/52515225 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明.本文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/lsn946803746/article/details/52515225BLSP(BAM Low-Speed Peripheral) , 每一个BLSP含有两个QUP, 每一个QUP可以被配置为I2C, SPI,…
Master.asm ;/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;/* --- STC MCU International Limited -------------------------------*/ ;/* --- STC 1T Series MCU Simulate I2C Master Demo ------------------*/ ;/* --- Mobile: (86)139…
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = https://github.com/lyayzh/LYGit.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/ma…