转自https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/java/JavaUnitTesting.html yet another insignificant programming notes... | HOME TABLE OF CONTENTS (SHOW) Java Unit Testing - & TestNG 1. Introduction to Unit Testing Framework The various type o…
首先为eclipse添加testng插件 步骤如下:help->Install New SoftWare... 2. 添加testng链接,该链接可以在这里找到 For the Eclipse plug-in, we suggest using the update site: Select Help / Software updates / Find and Install. Search for new features to install. New remote site. For Ec…
该帖转自其他出处 Sometimes due to some temporarily problems such as connection problems, server problems, browser issues, mobile application crashes and freezes and so on our tests fail. In these kinds of situations, we may want to rerun our tests automatica…