【转】Entity Systems】的更多相关文章

“Favour composition over inheritance” If you haven’t already read my previous post on the problems of traditional game architecture and why entity systems are needed. I’m going to cover the basics of an entity system before we look at 3 different imp…
What is an entity system framework for game development? Posted on 19 January 2012 Last week I released Ash, an entity system framework for Actionscript game development, and a number of people have asked me the question “What is an entity system fra…
http://www.richardlord.net/blog/why-use-an-entity-framework Why use an entity system framework for game development?   Following my previous post on entity systems for game development I received a number of good questions from developers. I answered…
继承体系的问题,为什么要用ECS 面向对象的问题 当一个新的类型需要多个老类型的不同功能的时候,不能很好的继承出来 游戏开发后期会有非常多的类,很难维护 游戏中子系统很多,它们对一个对象的关注点往往互不相关,比如渲染.网络,战斗数据,如果都对应一个基础角色对象,这个类就会很大 ECS,通过组合而不是继承的方法来进行实体的构建 ECS的设计目的是用来把大量的模块进行集成并解耦,用最小的耦合来集成大量分散的系统 每个System可以只关注实体有什么,而不是实体是什么,这是与OOP的最大区别 在网络同…
翻译的初衷以及为什么选择<Entity Framework 6 Recipes>来学习,请看本系列开篇 3-8与列表值比较 问题 你想查询一个实体,条件是给定的列表中包含指定属性的值. 解决方案 假设你有如图3-9所示的模型. 图3-9 包含books和它的categoryes的模型 你想查找给定目录列表中的所有图书.在代码清单3-16中使用LINQ和Entity SQL来实现这上功能. 代理清单3-16. 使用LINQ和Entity SQL来查找给定目录列表中的所有图书 using (var…
https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/tomholl/2009/05/21/protecting-against-xml-entity-expansion-attacks/ Protecting against XML Entity Expansion attacks Tom Hollander May 21, 2009 One of the critical responsibilities of every developer and architect is t…
http://entity-systems.wikidot.com/fast-entity-component-system Summary Create a generic System class which stores Components as a Vector array, allows access to them, and processes its data when called. Create an Entity Manager that re-uses expired e…
转自: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/aix/library/au-aix-systemsdirector/section2.html 如何使用 Java 测试 IBM Systems Director 的 REST API 让我们开始吧 关于 REST API REST 代表 Representational State Transfer.REST 风格的架构由客户端和服务器组成.IBM Systems Director 也提供一个基于 RESTFu…
Introduction This article introduces Entity Framework to absolute beginners. The article is meant for developers who are primarily using ADO.NET to write their data access layers.  Many experienced developers will find this article very basic but sin…
本文内容为转载,重新排版以供学习研究.如有侵权,请联系作者删除. 转载请注明本文出处:Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 - 38 Entity Framework Core ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What's In This Chapter? Introducing Entity Framework Core 1.0 Using Depe…