Connecting Physics Bodies】的更多相关文章

[Connecting Physics Bodies] The kinds of joints you can create in Sprite Kit. You add or remove joints using the physics world. When you create a joint, the points that connect the joint are always specified in the scene’s coordinate system. This may…
[Physicals] The physics simulation in Sprite Kit is performed by adding physics bodies to scenes. [Type of Physics Body] An SKPhysicsBody object defines the shape and simulation parameters for a physics body in the system. There are three kinds of ph…
[How a Scene Processes Frames of Animation] In the traditional view system, the contents of a view are rendered once and then rendered again only when the model’s contents change. This model works very well for views, because in practice most view co…
[Working with Other Node Types] [Shape Nodes Draw Path-Based Shapes] The SKShapeNode class draws a standard Core Graphics path. You can see from the code that the shape has three essential elements: The interior of the shape is filled. The fillColor…
作者:Ray Wenderlich 原文出处:点击打开链接 转自破船之家,原文:Sprite Kit Tutorial for Beginners   目录 Sprite Kit的优点和缺点 Sprite Kit vs Cocos2D-iPhone vs Cocos2D-X vs Unity Hello, Sprite Kit! 横屏显示 移动怪兽 发射炮弹 碰…
转载请注明出处:游戏开发实验室 我在编写游戏的时候遇到了这个问题.  物理引擎其它的内容还好理解.  就这三个函数就是没找到有人具体的解释一下.  我不知道这个都没弄明确.游戏是怎么做出来的.那我就不吐糟了,      以下的全部内容都是我的个人判断. 不知道正不对.    反正我眼下是这么理解的. watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZX…
基本 物理资源随骨骼创建,可添加到骨骼网格上. 物理材质可添加到材质或组件或物理资源上. 通过配置PrimitiveComponent组件的Collision Presets值,可实现自定义的碰撞忽略.重叠.阻档效果,碰撞分射线碰撞.对象碰撞2种. Collision Presets 分查询碰撞和物理碰撞,查询碰撞被 TraceByChannel 使用. Project Setting的Collision可用于自定义Collision Presets,有NewobjectChannel,NewT…
好吧,事实上这篇也是暂时冒出来的,近期朋友要做个物理游戏,曾经做物理还是用box2d,呃.确实要花些功夫才干搞懂当中的精髓,可是听讲这套引擎又一次封装了一次.要easy非常多,所以就简单尝试了一下,感觉确实要简单不少,只是在这当中还是遇到了些问题,首先就来说说onContactBegin这个回调函数响应问题. 先说说情况.简单做了一个打砖块的游戏.前面一切都非常顺利,仅仅是做到碰撞检測的时候,发现回调函数弄死都不调用.開始我以为函数写错了,后来查了api.testCpp都没有错,在3.0的api…
1.初始化 + (instancetype)node; + (nullable instancetype)nodeWithFileNamed:(NSString*)filename; 2.返回边界边框 - (CGRect)calculateAccumulatedFrame; 3.坐标 //节点的父节点的位置坐标系统 @property (nonatomic) CGPoint position; //z值的节点(用于排序).负z是”到“屏幕,正面屏幕的z是“出去”.更大的zPosition将面前的…
Class Variables类变量 gravity The gravity applied to all rigid bodies in the scene.场景中应用到所有刚性物体的重力. minPenetrationForPenalty The minimum contact penetration value in order to apply a penalty force (default 0.05). Must be positive.两个物体接触碰撞时,物体间最小渗透(穿透)深度…