Embodiments of the invention are generally directed to systems, methods, and apparatuses for linear to physical address translation with support for page attributes. In some embodiments, a system receives an instruction to translate a memory pointer…
Logical vs physical address  1) An address generated by the CPU is a logical address. Whereas, an address seen by the memory unit, that is, the one loaded into the memory-address register of the memory, is a physical address. 2) The user program neve…
<Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录> 默认情况下,通过Azure Management Portal创建的Public IP和Private IP都是随机分配的. 用户可以通过Azure PowerShell来设置固定Public IP和Private IP,请参考笔者的文档: Windows Azure Virtual Network (5) 设置Azure Virtual Machine固定Private IP Windows Azure Virtual Netw…
<Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录> 默认情况下,通过Azure Management Portal创建的Public IP和Private IP都是随机分配的. 用户可以通过Azure PowerShell来设置固定Public IP和Private IP,请参考笔者的文档: Windows Azure Virtual Network (5) 设置Azure Virtual Machine固定Private IP Windows Azure Virtual Netw…
operator overloading(操作符重载,运算符重载) 所谓重载就是重新赋予新的意义,之前我们已经学过函数重载,函数重载的要求是函数名相同,函数的参数列表不同(个数或者参数类型).操作符重载也叫运算符重载,顾名思义,运算符重载就是给运算符赋予新的意义,新的使命. 1.首先要说的是,c++中不允许用户自定义运算符,只允许程序员重载运算符. 2.那些运算符可以重载?c++中绝大部分与运算符允许重载,不能重载的运算符有5类, (1) . (成员访问运算符).(2).* (成员指针运算符)(…
是数组越标或没有初始化某个对象之类的问题,搂住细细检查一下代码, 使用指针前未做检查,而这个指针未初始化. 可能是new后没有delete,这样出现溢出的可能性比较大     检查代码或者跟踪试试 使用指针对象前判断一下   if   (ptr!=NULL)       delete   指针对象后,指针置NULL;基本能防止此类问题. Access  violation  at  address  ×××  in  module    "Project1.exe "      Rea…
一般的我们喜欢这样对对象赋值: Person p1;Person p2=p1; classT object(another_object), or    A a(b); classT object = another object; class A { //  - }; int main( ) { A x; A y(x); // - A z = x; z = y; } 这样的话,如果成员变量中有指针的话,就容易造成指针的二次删除.这样就需要我们显示的在类中实现 1.拷贝构造, 2.赋值运算符重载…
一般的我们喜欢这样对对象赋值: Person p1;Person p2=p1; classT object(another_object), or    A a(b); classT object = another object; class A { //  … }; int main( ) { A x; A y(x); // … A z = x; z = y; } 这样的话,如果成员变量中有指针的话,就容易造成指针的二次删除.这样就需要我们显示的在类中实现 1.拷贝构造, 2.赋值运算符重载…
3 registers for starting pos: LDTR, GDTR( register for starting addr of DT) ---段描述符每个段由一个8字节(64位)的段描述符来描述,他表示段的各项属性.段描述符放在叫全局描述符表(Global Descriptor Table:GDT )或局部描述符表(Local Descriptor Table:LDT)中.GDT和LDT可以理解为数组.而段选择符里的索引是用于选择在这个数组当中的元素.如:GDT[index],表…
BACKGROUND A conventional virtual-machine monitor (VMM) typically runs on a computer and presents to other software the abstraction of one or more virtual machines. Each virtual machine may function as a self-contained platform, running its own "gues…
An embodiment provides a virtual address cache memory including: a TLB virtual page memory configured to, when a rewrite to a TLB occurs, rewrite entry data; a data memory configured to hold cache data using a virtual page tag or a page offset as a c…
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_Resolution_Protocol The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a telecommunication protocol used for resolution of Internet layer addresses into link layer addresses, a critical function in computer networks. ARP w…
在我们阅读boot loader代码时,遇到了两个非常重要的概念,实模式(real mode)和保护模式(protected mode). 首先我们要知道这两种模式都是CPU的工作模式,实模式是早期CPU运行的工作模式,而保护模式则是现代CPU运行的模式. 但是为什么现代CPU在运行boot loader时仍旧要先进入实模式呢?就是为了实现软件的向后兼容性不得已才这样的. 下面我们分别看下这两种工作模式的基本原理. 实模式(real mode) 实模式出现于早期8088CPU时期.当时由于CPU…
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6472c4cc0102duzr.html 处理器微架构访问Cache的方法与访问主存储器有类似之处.主存储器使用地址编码方式,微架构可以地址寻址方式访问这些存储器.Cache也使用了类似的地址编码方式,微架构也是使用这些地址操纵着各级Cache,可以将数据写入Cache,也可以从Cache中读出内容.只是这一切微架构针对Cache的操作并不是简单的地址访问操作.为简化起见,我们忽略各类Virtual Cache,讨论最基础的Cach…
转自:http://www.wowotech.net/basic_subject/meltdown.html#6596 摘要(Abstract) The security of computer systems fundamentally relies on memory isolation, e.g., kernel address ranges are marked as non-accessible and are protected from user access. In this p…
An apparatus and method is described herein for providing robust speculative code section abort control mechanisms. Hardware is able to track speculative code region abort events, conditions, and/or scenarios, such as an explicit abort instruction, a…
A processor employing a post-cache (LS2) buffer. Loads are stored into the LS2buffer after probing the data cache. The load/store unit snoops the loads in the LS2 buffer against snoop requests received from an external bus. If a snoop invalidate requ…
5.3 Combining Segment and Page Translation  联合使用段与分页转换 Figure 5-12 combines Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-9 to summarize both phases of the transformation from a logical address to a physical address when paging is enabled. By appropriate choice of options…
BACKGROUND Advances in semi-conductor processing and logic design have permitted an increase in the amount of logic that may be present on integrated circuit devices. As a result, computer system configurations have evolved from a single or multiple…
A method for allowing a protected mode kernel to service, in virtual 8086 mode, hardware interrupts which occur during execution of ring 0 protected mode code. When an interrupt occurs during execution of ring 0 code, the microprocessor copies the st…
A processor, capable of operation in a host machine, including memory management logic to support a plurality of memory types for a physical memory access by the processor, and virtualization support logic to determine a host memory type for a refere…
A processor supports an operating mode in which the default address size is greater than 32 bits and the default operand size is 32 bits. The default address size may be nominally indicated as 64 bits, although various embodiments of the processor ma…
A microprocessor contains an address generation unit, including a segment block, for loading descriptor data and a segment selector in a segment register. Two descriptor loads from a global descriptor table (GDT) and a local descriptor table (LDT) ar…
Methods and systems are provided to control the execution of a virtual machine (VM). A VM Monitor (VMM) accesses VM Control Structures (VMCS) indirectly through access instructions passed to a processor. In one embodiment, the access instructions inc…
http://blog.csdn.net/renpine/article/details/4572347 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ee482032(v=winembedded.60).aspx WinCE NAND flash - FAL From ESSLabWiki 1. Introduction Flash與一般常見的Disk不同,其特性是無法重複對同一塊記憶體位置去做Write的動作,必須要Erase那塊記憶體位置才可以做Write…
MIT6.828 LAB2:http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2014/labs/lab2/ LAB2里面主要讲的是系统的分页过程,还有就是简单的虚拟地址到物理地址的过程.关于系统分页,在MIT6.828 虚拟地址转化为物理地址——二级分页:http://blog.csdn.net/fang92/article/details/47320747中有讲. 下面主要是lab2的几个exercise的解题过程. 1.第一个boot_alloc()函数: static vo…
MIT JOS lab2 首先把内存分布理清楚,由/boot/main.c可知这里把kernel的img的ELF header读入到物理地址0x10000处 这里能够回想JOS lab1的一个小问.当时是问的bootloader怎么就能准确的吧kernle 镜像读入到相应的地址呢? 这里就是main.c在作用. 这里往ELFHDR即0x10000处读入了8个SECTSIZE(这里读入的是一个PAGESIZE 4KB), 从凝视//is this a valid ELF? 開始,bootmain以…
PowerPC相对于ARM优势: Powerpc芯片凭借其出色的性能和高度整合和技术先进特性在网络通信应用,工业控制应用,家用数字化,网络存储领域,军工领域,电力系统控制等都具有非常广泛的应用.由于PowerPC相对ARM器件来说价格稍贵,另外ARM开 发工具盗版到处都是,所以在中国目前来说PowerPC不是很普及.但在一些欧美国家应用很广泛的,高校通信专业里面不学PowerPC,应该是高校一个重要失策.个人觉得PowerPC相对ARM优势有下面几点说明, 一是,整合度高 以及技术先进性,现在F…
Address Resolution Protocol IP addresses are said to be logical, because they are defined in terms of logical topology of the routers and end systems. The logical IP addresses need to be converted into specific physical addresses that identify the ph…
A system and method for accessing memory are provided. The system comprises a lookup buffer for storing one or more page table entries, wherein each of the one or more page table entries comprises at least a virtual page number and a physical page nu…