Epic - Seed Number】的更多相关文章

Find the seed of a number. Eg : 1716 = 143*1*4*3 =1716 so 143 is the seed of 1716. find all possible seed for a given number. 辗转相除法,由性质可利用 sqrt(num) <= seed_number <= num/2 缩小范围. def seed_number(num) seed = Math.sqrt(num).to_i while seed <= num /…
A number is called 'desirable' if all thedigits are strictly ascending eg: 159 as 1<5<9. You know that your rivalhas a strictly numeric password that is 'desirable'. Your close ally has givenyou the number of digits (N) in your rival's password. WAP…
Let the user enter a decimal number. Therange allowed is 0.0001 to 0.9999. Only four decimal places are allowed. Theoutput should be an irreducible fraction. E.g.: If the user enters 0.35,the irreducible fraction will be 7/20. 等于找与10000的公约数 def fract…
语法: DBMS_RANDOM.SEED ( val IN BINARY_INTEGER); DBMS_RANDOM.SEED ( val IN VARCHAR2); val: Seed number or string used to generate a random number 用于生成一个随机数种子,设置种子的目的是可以重复生成随机数,用于调试.否则每次不同,难以调度. 如果不指定随机数参数的种子,oracle将会使用当前时间,用户id,进程id号来生成种子.如果指定的种子相同将会生成…
1.位图使用(模糊)滤镜 //创建一个矩形区域的BitmapData var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(80, 30, false, 0xffffff); //画个红色的矩形 var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(20, 10, 40, 10); bmd.fillRect(rect, 0xFF0000); //找到红色矩形的右上顶点 var pt:Point = new Point(rect.left, rect.top);…
Sampling Syntax Sampling Bucketized Table Block Sampling Sampling Syntax  抽样语法 Sampling Bucketized Table table_sample: TABLESAMPLE (BUCKET x OUT OF y [ON colname]) The TABLESAMPLE clause allows the users to write queries for samples of the data inste…
var rand = (function(){ var today = new Date(); var seed = today.getTime(); function rnd(){ seed = ( seed * 9301 + 49297 ) % 233280; return seed / ( 233280.0 ); }; return function rand(number){ return Math.ceil(rnd(seed) * number); }; })(); console.l…
不使用Math.random实现随机数 var rand = (function(){ var today = new Date(); var seed = today.getTime(); function rnd(){ seed = ( seed * 9301 + 49297 ) % 233280; return seed / ( 233280.0 ); }; return function rand(number){ return Math.ceil(rnd(seed) * number)…
参数: 详谈JS中实现种子随机数及作用 我在Egret里这么写... class NumberTool{ /**种子(任意默认值5)*/ public static seed:number = 5; /**种子随机数*/ public static seedRandom(){ this.seed = (this.seed * 9301 + 49297) % 233280; return this.seed / 233280.0; }} 其中的 (this.seed * 9301 + 49297)…
1.位图使用(模糊)滤镜 //创建一个矩形区域的BitmapData var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(80, 30, false, 0xefefef); //画个红色的矩形var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(20, 10, 40, 10); bmd.fillRect(rect, 0xFF0000); //找到红色矩形的右上顶点 var pt:Point = new Point(rect.left, rect.top); /…