FZU 1911 Construct a Matrix】的更多相关文章

题目链接:fzu 1911 Construct a Matrix 题目大意:给出n和m,f[i]为斐波那契数列,s[i]为斐波那契数列前i项的和.r = s[n] % m.构造一个r * r的矩阵,只能使用-1.0.1.使得矩阵的每行每列的和都不相同,输出方案,不行的话输出No. 解题思路:求r的话用矩阵快速幂求,每次模掉m, { {1, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1} } * { f[i], f[i -1], s[i] } = { f[i + 1], f[i], s[i…
题目链接:Construct a Matrix 题意:构造一个矩阵,要求矩阵的每行每列的和都不相同.矩阵的边长是前n项斐波那契的和. 思路:由sn = 2*(fn-1)+(fn-2)-1,只要知道第n-1和第n-2项即可,n的范围是10^9,可由矩阵快速幂求出第n项.然后,构造矩阵,上三角为1,下三角全为-1,对角线1和0交替.[真是个天才...!!!]矩阵快速幂求第n项时,构造的矩阵是a[0][0] = f2, a[1][0] = f1, a[0][1] = 1, a[1][1] = 0...…
C. Construct a Matrix Time Limit: 1000ms Case Time Limit: 1000ms Memory Limit: 32768KB Special Judge   64-bit integer IO format:  %I64d      Java class name:  Main Submit  Status Font Size:  +   - There is a set of matrixes that are constructed subje…
There is a set of matrixes that are constructed subject to the following constraints: 1. The matrix is a S(n)×S(n) matrix; 2. S(n) is the sum of the first n Fibonacci numbers modulus m, that is S(n) = (F1 + F2 + … + Fn) % m; 3. The matrix contains on…
KUANGBIN带你飞 全专题整理 https://www.cnblogs.com/slzk/articles/7402292.html 专题一 简单搜索 POJ 1321 棋盘问题    //2019.3.18 POJ 2251 Dungeon Master POJ 3278 Catch That Cow  //4.8 POJ 3279 Fliptile POJ 1426 Find The Multiple  //4.8 POJ 3126 Prime Path POJ 3087 Shuffle…
[kuangbin带你飞]专题1-23 专题一 简单搜索 POJ 1321 棋盘问题POJ 2251 Dungeon MasterPOJ 3278 Catch That CowPOJ 3279 FliptilePOJ 1426 Find The MultiplePOJ 3126 Prime PathPOJ 3087 Shuffle'm UpPOJ 3414 PotsFZU 2150 Fire GameUVA 11624 Fire!POJ 3984 迷宫问题HDU 1241 Oil Deposit…
专题一 简单搜索 POJ 1321 棋盘问题POJ 2251 Dungeon MasterPOJ 3278 Catch That CowPOJ 3279 FliptilePOJ 1426 Find The MultiplePOJ 3126 Prime PathPOJ 3087 Shuffle'm UpPOJ 3414 PotsFZU 2150 Fire GameUVA 11624 Fire!POJ 3984 迷宫问题HDU 1241 Oil DepositsHDU 1495 非常可乐HDU 26…
原文 OpenGL Projection Matrix Related Topics: OpenGL Transformation Overview Perspective Projection Orthographic Projection Updates: The MathML version is available here. Overview A computer monitor is a 2D surface. A 3D scene rendered by OpenGL must b…
Palindromic Matrix time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Let's call some square matrix with integer values in its cells palindromic if it doesn't change after the order of rows i…
任意门:http://codeforces.com/contest/1118/problem/C C. Palindromic Matrix time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Let's call some square matrix with integer values in its cells palind…