【HDOJ6298】Maximum Multiple(数论)】的更多相关文章

Maximum Multiple Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 3313    Accepted Submission(s): 1382 Problem Description Given an integer n, Chiaki would like to find three positive integers x,…
Maximum Multiple Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 494    Accepted Submission(s): 215 Problem Description Given an integer n, Chiaki would like to find three positive integers x, y…
Maximum Multiple Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 3241    Accepted Submission(s): 1344 Problem Description Given an integer n, Chiaki would like to find three positive integers x,…
hdu6298 Maximum Multiple 题目传送门 题意: 给你一个整数n,从中找出可以被n整除的三个数x,y,z: 要求x+y+z=n,且x*y*z最大. 思路: 开始一看T到1e6,n也到1e6,就想到打表,可是打表就只输出最大值 没有把取的那三个数也数出来,纠结了许久. 正解就是设a=n/x,b=n/y,c=n/z; 则1/a+1/b+1/c=1; 则abc可取3,3,3:2,3,6:2,4,4 代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespa…
题意:给定n,求x,y,z三个整数,使得x|n,y|n,z|n,且xyz最小 n<=1e6 思路: 不定方程1/x+1/y+1/z=1 只有(2,3,6)(2,4,4) (3,3,3)三组正整数解 设x<=y<=z,x=2或3 x=2时1/y+1/z=1/2,y=3或4时存在z x=3时1/y+1/z=2/3,y=3时存在z 只有这三种情况 #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #…
Given an integer nn, Chiaki would like to find three positive integers xx, yy and zzsuch that: n=x+y+zn=x+y+z, x∣nx∣n, y∣ny∣n, z∣nz∣n and xyzxyz is maximum. Input There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer TT (1≤T≤1061…
Given an integer nn, Chiaki would like to find three positive integers xx, yy and zzsuch that: n=x+y+zn=x+y+z, x∣nx∣n, y∣ny∣n, z∣nz∣n and xyzxyz is maximum. Input There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer TT (1≤T≤1061…
一.题目 Given an integer $n$, Chiaki would like to find three positive integers $x$, $y$ and $z$ such that: $n=x+y+z$, $x\mid n$, $y \mid n$, $z \mid n$ and $xyz$ is maximum.  InputThere are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integ…
Given an integer nn, Chiaki would like to find three positive integers xx, yy and zzsuch that: n=x+y+zn=x+y+z, x∣nx∣n, y∣ny∣n, z∣nz∣n and xyzxyz is maximum. Input There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer TT (1≤T≤1061…
题意与分析 一开始以为是一条高深的数学题,跳过去了,后来查其他题目的代码的时候无意看到,一看emmmmmm 稍微思考一下就有了.\(1=\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{3}=\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{6}=\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{4}\).那么是不是只有这三种?这个问题就要靠整数数论来解答了. 以下是证明过程: 先考察\(a<b<c\)的情况,显然有\(a\ge 2\). 考虑\…
暑假杭电多校第一场,这一场是贪心场,很多贪心的题目,但是自己太菜,姿势挫死了,把自己都写吐了... 2018 Multi-University Training Contest 1 HDU6298.Maximum Multiple 题目意思就是给你一个n,找出来三个数x,y,z, 使得n=x+y+z,而且x,y,z都是n的因数,并且x*y*z为最大值,让你输出来x*y*z的最大值.如果没有满足条件的情况就输出-1. 由1=1/2+1/3+1/6=1/3+1/3+1/3=1/2+1/4+1/4,所…
抱着可能杭电的多校1比牛客的多校1更恐怖的想法 看到三道签到题 幸福的都快哭出来了好吗 1001  Maximum Multiple(hdoj 6298) 链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=6298 签到题 但是有考了一定的思维 清北大佬两分钟写出来真的让人望尘莫及啊…… 题意是给定一个n 可以由三个正整数相加得到 同时这三个正整数又是要被n可以整除 求这三个整数相乘的最大值 如果没有 则输出-1 既然题目没有要求三个正整数不能相等 则可以…
Solved A HDU 6298 Maximum Multiple Solved B HDU 6299 Balanced Sequence Solved C HDU 6300 Triangle Partition Solved D HDU 6301 Distinct Values   E HDU 6302 Maximum Weighted Matching   F HDU 6303 Period Sequence Solved G HDU 6304 Chiaki Sequence Revisi…
Preface ACM系列赛第一站,没有进前200还是很伤的. 主要是T2当时没写出来就GG了,后来看了下其实不是很难. 题目按照比赛时我们A的顺序讲,其实我都是被陈潇然大佬和ZWC带飞的. T1 Maximum Multiple 题目大意:给出一个数字\(n\),求三个数\(x,y,z\)满足\(x,y,z|n\)且\(x+y+z=n\).找出这样一组并使得\(xyz\)最大.有解就输出\(xyz\)的最大值,否则输出\(-1\). 大力猜结论,然后用ZWC当时写的一个暴力拍了下\(n\le2…
In this post, I will give a list of all undocumented parameters in Oracle Here is a query to see all the parameters (documented and undocumented) which contain the string you enter when prompted: – Enter name of the parameter when prompted…
A - Maximum Multiple 题意:给出一个n 找x, y, z 使得$n = x + y +z$ 并且 $n \equiv 0 \pmod x, n \equiv 0 \pmod y, n \equiv 0 \pmod z$ 并且使得 $x \cdot y \cdot z$ 最大 思路:设$a = \frac{n}{x}, b = \frac{n}{y}, c = \frac{n}{z}$ 那么 $\frac{1}{a} + \frac{1}{b} + \frac{1}{c} =…
标签库元素: 队列<queue> FIFO 栈 <stack>  FICO 集合 set 不定长数组  vector 映射 map Maximum Multiple Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 3985    Accepted Submission(s): 926 Problem Description…
Solved:5 rank:172 A.Maximum Multiple #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int main() { int T; scanf("%d", &T); while(T--) { int n; scanf("%d", &…
Maximum Multiple Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 3985    Accepted Submission(s): 926 Problem Description Given an integer n, Chiaki would like to find three positive integers x,…
介绍 SpringCloud是一个完整的微服务治理框架,包括服务发现和注册,服务网关,熔断,限流,负载均衡和链路跟踪等组件. SpringCloud-Eureka主要提供服务注册和发现功能.本文提供了该组件配置的全面说明. 术语和概念 Eureka服务端:负责服务注册.发现并管理每项服务的中心 Eureka实例:服务(如订单系统)部署多个服务器,每个服务器上提供的服务都是实例. Eureka服务:指提供特定服务功能的服务,例如:订单系统,同一服务可以提供多个实例; Eureka客户端:主要向服务…
介绍 SpringCloud是一个完整的微服务治理框架,包括服务发现和注册,服务网关,熔断,限流,负载均衡和链路跟踪等组件. SpringCloud-Eureka主要提供服务注册和发现功能.本文提供了该组件配置的全面说明. 术语和概念 Eureka服务端:负责服务注册.发现并管理每项服务的中心 Eureka实例:服务(如订单系统)部署多个服务器,每个服务器上提供的服务都是实例. Eureka服务:指提供特定服务功能的服务,例如:订单系统,同一服务可以提供多个实例; Eureka客户端:主要向服务…
Least Common Multiple (HDU - 1019) [简单数论][LCM][欧几里得辗转相除法] 标签: 入门讲座题解 数论 题目描述 The least common multiple (LCM) of a set of positive integers is the smallest positive integer which is divisible by all the numbers in the set. For example, the LCM of 5, 7…
Find The Multiple Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 16995   Accepted: 6921   Special Judge Description Given a positive integer n, write a program to find out a nonzero multiple m of n whose decimal representation contains…
题目链接: http://poj.org/problem?id=1426 Description Given a positive integer n, write a program to find out a nonzero multiple m of n whose decimal representation contains only the digits 0 and 1. You may assume that n is not greater than 200 and there…
Given the N integers, you have to find the maximum GCD (greatest common divisor) of every possible pair of these integers. Input The first line of input is an integer N (1 < N < 100) that determines the number of test cases. The following N lines ar…
You are given several queries. In the i-th query you are given a single positive integer ni. You are to represent ni as a sum of maximum possible number of composite summands and print this maximum number, or print -1, if there are no such splittings…
Description Partychen like to do mathematical problems. One day, when he was doing on a least common multiple(LCM) problem, he suddenly thought of a very interesting question: if given a number of S, and we divided S into some numbers , then what is…
The least common multiple (LCM) of a set of positive integers is the smallest positive integer which is divisible by all the numbers in the set. For example, the LCM of 5, 7 and 15 is 105. InputInput will consist of multiple problem instances. The fi…
转载自:優YoU  http://user.qzone.qq.com/289065406/blog/1303946967 以下内容属于以上这位dalao http://poj.org/problem?id=1426 题意 给出一个整数n,(1 <= n <= 200).求出任意一个它的倍数m,要求m必须只由十进制的'0'或'1'组成. 分析 首先暴力枚举肯定是不可能的 1000ms 想不超时都难,而且枚举还要解决大数问题.. 要不是人家把这题放到搜索,怎么也想不到用BFS... 解题方法: B…
题目链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1370/problem/A 题意 有 $n$ 个数大小分别为 $1$ 到 $n$,找出两个数间最大的 $gcd$ . 题解 若一个 $gcd$ 存在,则至少要有 $gcd$ 本身和 $2 \times gcd$,那么 $gcd$ 最大即为 $\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor$ . 代码 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; void solve(…