wasm-pack is a tool that seeks to be a one-stop shop for building and working with Rust generated WebAssembly that you would like to interop with JavaScript. This includes ability to publish modules so that you can share your Rust generated WebAssemb…
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/quickstart/create-and-publish-a-package-using-visual-studio-net-framework Creating a NuGet package from a .NET Framework Class Library involves creating the DLL in Visual Studio on Windows, then using the nuget.…
Before we publish our package, we want to make sure everything is set up correctly. We’ll cover versioning, preparing our package, adding a proper README, and updating our package.json. Using npm version: The reason to use npm version to prumping the…
How to Publish a NuGet Package Command line To push packages to nuget.org you must use nuget.exe v4.1.0 or above, which implements the required NuGet protocols. You also need an API key, which is created on nuget.org. Create API keys Sign into your n…
How to using PyPI publish a Python package PyPI & Python package https://pypi.org/ main make a file that can be both imported as a module and run as a script. To do this, place script code inside if name == "main". This ensures that it won't…
npm & package.json & directories & files package.json https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/config https://docs.npmjs.com/files/folders directories & files https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#files htt…
With a node package manager's (npm) package.json script property, you can preconfigure common tasks like running unit tests with npm $SCRIPT_NAME. package.json: { "name": "commonJSBroswerfiy", "version": "0.0.0", &q…
Angular7 Npm Package.Json文件详解   近期时间比较充裕,正好想了解下Angular Project相关内容.于是将Npm官网上关于Package.json的官方说明文档进行了一下翻译学习,仅供参考 原文出处: https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json 官方传送门 *** npm-package.json 特性说明 描述   本文介绍了package.json文件中,你需要了解的所有内容.Package.json文件必须是一个真正…
章节 Node.js NPM 介绍 Node.js NPM 作用 Node.js NPM 包(Package) Node.js NPM 管理包 Node.js NPM Package.json Node.js项目中,Package.json文件是应用程序的核心.Package.json文件是一个保存了项目元数据的配置文件,通常出现在Node.js应用程序的根文件夹中,npm install命令根据这个配置文件,自动下载所需的模块,也就是配置项目所需的运行和开发环境. Package.json 格…
how to publish a dart package using Github Actions? dart package flutter package Github Actions publish bug # get credentials.json $ flutter pub uploader add xgqfrms@gmail.com $ killall -9 dart domain bug Waiting for your authorization... Authorizati…