哎,只能转题解了,,, 8165031                 2014-10-10 15:53:42     njczy2010     D - CGCDSSQ             GNU C++     Accepted 156 ms 27584 KB 8163765                 2014-10-10 13:03:56     njczy2010     D - CGCDSSQ             GNU C++     Time limit exceed…
D. CGCDSSQ time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Given a sequence of integers a1, ..., an and q queries x1, ..., xq on it. For each query xi you have to count the number of pairs…
D. CGCDSSQ time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Given a sequence of integers a1, ..., an andq queries x1, ..., xq on it. For each queryxi you have to count the number of pairs(l…
T1725 天黑请闭眼 Online Judge:COCI2014/2015 Contest#1 D MAFIJA(原题) Label:基环树,断环+树形Dp,贪心+拓扑 题目描述 最近天黑请闭眼在 C国十分流行!游戏里有两个身份,一个是杀手,另一个是平民.杀手知道哪些人是杀手,而平民对此一无所知.现在为了知道谁是杀手,参与游戏的每个人都指证了一个人为杀手,可以确定的是,杀手一定会指证平民,而平民指证的人有可能是杀手,也有可能是平民.给出每位玩家指证的人,请找出游戏中最多可能的杀手个数. 输入…
T1:FUNGHI(1s,32M,50pts)得分:50 题意:给你8个数组成一个环,要你求出其中连续的4个数,让它们的和最大 题解:暴力求出每一连续4个数之和,比较一下就好 标签:模拟 C++ Code: #include<cstdio> using namespace std; int s[10],ans,maxn; int main(){ freopen("FUNGHI.in","r",stdin); freopen("FUNGHI.ou…
题目来自: 题目描述 Mirko在数学课上以一种有趣的方式操作数列,首先,他写下一个数列A,然后他对该数列的前i个数求平均值,得到一个数列B.比如数列A为1,3,2,6,8,那么数列B为:现在,给你第二个数列B,求第一个数列A. 输入 第一行为整数N(1<=n<=100),表示数列B的长度.第二行为n个整数,表示数列B.(1<=Bi<=10^9) 输出 输出仅有一行为n个整…
Bayan 2015 Contest Warm Up http://codeforces.com/contest/475 A - Bayan Bus B - Strongly Connected City C - Kamal-ol-molk's Painting A. Bayan Bus 题意:输入人数k,输出一辆公交车!优先坐最后,同一排优先坐左边. 题解:暴力找地方坐啊! //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000")…
E. Arrange Teams time limit per test:2 seconds memory limit per test:64 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output Syrian Collegiate Programming Contest (SCPC) is the qualified round for the Arab Collegiate Programming Contest. Each year S…
A. Bayan Bus time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output The final round of Bayan Programming Contest will be held in Tehran, and the participants will be carried around with a yellow…
H - May Day Holiday As a university advocating self-learning and work-rest balance, Marjar University has so many days of rest, including holidays and weekends. Each weekend, which consists of Saturday and Sunday, is a rest time in the Marjar Univers…