This is the 2nd part of the series. Read the first part here: Logistic Regression Vs Decision Trees Vs SVM: Part I In this part we’ll discuss how to choose between Logistic Regression , Decision Trees and Support Vector Machines. The most correct ans…
Classification is one of the major problems that we solve while working on standard business problems across industries. In this article we’ll be discussing the major three of the many techniques used for the same, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees…
二类分类器svm 的loss function 是 hinge loss:L(y)=max(0,1-t*y),t=+1 or -1,是标签属性. 对线性svm,y=w*x+b,其中w为权重,b为偏置项,在实际优化中,w,b是待优化的未知,通过优化损失函数,使得loss function最小,得到优化接w,b. 对于logistic regression 其loss function是,由于y=1/(1+e^(-t)),则L=sum(y(log(h))+(1-y)log(1-h))…
简述: 1. LR 本质上是对正例负例的对数几率做线性回归,因为对数几率叫做logit,做的操作是线性回归,所以该模型叫做Logistic Regression. 2. LR 的输出可以看做是一种可能性,输出越大则为正例的可能性越大,但是这个概率不是正例的概率,是正例负例的对数几率. 3. LR的label并不一定要是0和1,也可以是-1和1,或者其他,只是一个标识,标识负例和正例. 4. Linear Regression和Logistic Regression的区别: 这主要是由于线性回归在…
Logistic Regression – Geometric Intuition Everybody who has taken a machine learning course probably knows the geometric intuition behind a support vector machine (SVM, great book): A SVM is a large margin classifier. In other words, it maximizes the…
二分类:Logistic regression 多分类:Softmax分类函数 对于损失函数,我们求其最小值, 对于似然函数,我们求其最大值. Logistic是loss function,即: 在逻辑回归中,选择了 “对数似然损失函数”,L(Y,P(Y|X)) = -logP(Y|X). 对似然函数求最大值,其实就是对对数似然损失函数求最小值. Logistic regression, despite its name, is a linear model for classification…