L. Twice Equation ACM Nanning 2017】的更多相关文章

https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/19978 acm提交:类 Main 使用java:高精度 BigInteger import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { BigInteger []f=new BigInteger[380]; BigInteger v; int q,i; f[1]=…
题目链接:Twice Equation 比赛链接:ICPC Asia Nanning 2017 Description For given \(L\), find the smallest \(n\) no smaller than \(L\) for which there exists an positive integer \(m\) for which \(2m(m + 1) = n(n + 1)\). Input This problem contains multiple test…
L. Sticky Situation While on summer camp, you are playing a game of hide-and-seek in the forest. You need to designate a “safe zone”, where, if the players manage to sneak there without being detected,they beat the seeker. It is therefore of utmost i…
I. Older Brother Your older brother is an amateur mathematician with lots of experience. However, his memory is very bad. He recently got interested in linear algebra over finite fields, but he does not remember exactly which finite fields exist. For…
题目链接:Rake It In 比赛链接:ICPC Asia Nanning 2017 Description The designers have come up with a new simple game called "Rake It In". Two players, Alice and Bob, initially select an integer k and initialize a score indicator. An \(4 \times 4\) board is…
题目链接:The Chosen One 比赛链接:ICPC Asia Nanning 2017 题意 \(t\) 组样例,每组给出一个整数 \(n(2\le n\le 10^{50})\),求不大于 \(n\) 的最大的 \(2\) 的整数次幂. 题解 高精度运算 Java BigInteger 中的 bitLength() 方法可以直接计算某个大数二进制表示下的位数. 更多关于 Java BigInteger 的操作参见我的另一篇文章 大数运算之 Java BigInteger 的基本用法 i…
编者按:你是否曾经为如何创作和编辑一篇图文并茂.排版精美的文章而烦恼?或是为缺乏艺术灵感和设计思路而痛苦?AI技术能否在艺术设计中帮助到我们?今天我们为大家介绍的这篇论文,“Automatic Generation of Visual-Textual Presentation Layout”(图文排版的自动生成算法研究),刚刚被美国计算机学会会刊ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (T…
2017省赛已经结束了2天了,今天终于有时间,也有勇气来写下这一篇总结.的确,这是我第一次正式的ACM线下赛,我本以为再不济,也可以拿个三等奖,没想到,实力打铁.确实对我打击比较大,以前的确是知道自己菜,但是,实在是没有想到自己竟然这么菜.好了,正式说下这次比赛吧! 集训之前,实验室安排是8月8日放假让我们回去休息几天,然后8月15日正式开始集训.但是,实验室事实上参加省赛的两个队的队员大部分都是没有回去(当然不包括我了,的确很惭愧,虽然的确是家里有事,需要我回去办).我是8月13晚上回的学校,…
Welcome to the 2017 ACM-ICPC Asia Nanning Regional Contest.Here is a breaking news. Now you have a chance to meet alone with the Asia Director through a game.All boys and girls who chase their dreams have to stand in a line. They are given the number…
从省赛回来至今4周,每周周末都在打网络赛,每次都是划水,总结下自己弱弱的ACM吧!划水水~~ 首先是新疆赛区,基本上都是图论相关的东西,全靠队友,自己翻水水,实力躺了5道. 然后是沈阳赛区,终于有点贡献了,单刷一道LIS,和队友找规律完成了number number number,最后完成4道,成功划水~~不得不说一下就是对于1009提交的事情,似乎是引起了很大的轰动,但是其实就个人感觉而言,随机提交靠运气过,也不至于这么被骂,又不是用脚本恶意提交,别人凭本事手动提交300+次也是别人的本事,弱…