run{ allocate channel d1 type disk; allocate channel d2 type disk; allocate channel d3 type disk; allocate channel d4 type disk; allocate channel d5 type disk; allocate channel d6 type disk; backup AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET database include current…
很多正在使用dataguard的客户,都会遇到一个棘手的问题: 在备份端与主库同步的过程中由于网络原因或磁盘问题导致一个或多个归档日志丢失,进而dataguard同步无法继续.很多客户都选择了重新全库恢复,并重新搭建dataguard. 如果我们的源数据库非常大(超过100G的数据量),其实可以选择一种更简便并高效的恢复方法--通过rman的增量备份恢复dataguard中standby端的数据.具体恢复过程如下:1) Stop the managed recovery process (MRP…
Rem Backup Mysql Binlog Rem Backup Yesterday and RAR Rem Backup every day 00:01 begin backup yesterday and now binlog @set curPath=%~dp0 @set SourcePath="\\110\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL_Server_5.6\data\mysql-bin.*" @set WinRARPath="C:\Program…