With Windows Azure, you can use a virtual machine to provide server capabilities. As an example, a virtual machine running on Windows Azure…
当我们开启虚拟机时出现错误: VMware Workstation cannot connect to the virtual machine. Make sure you have rights to run the program, access all directories the program uses, and access all directories for temporary files. 原因是服务没有打开: 先打开任务管理器,再将上面所标记的服务打开 再次打开虚拟机即可…
在动态网站工程中,添加了Pom依赖,当添加log4j的1.2.15版本依赖时,在pom.xml中的顶层project报错错误: Failure to transfer javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1 from,如下图 这是因为 这个域名已经无法解析了. 而…
安装完VMware virtual machine 后,再进行 "create a new virtual machine"最后点击"Finish"时,报如下错误: unable to create a new virtual machine :no permission to perform this operation 百度了一下,各种解决方案,完全看不懂说的些哈,没什么具体的操作方法,有一个还需要修改BIOS里的设置,写的很详细(带图),这么复杂,直接都懒得看…
VMware does not close when Windows Server 2003 ... |VMware Communities "The virtual machine is busy" error |VMware Communities 错误提示:can not be closed virtua…
错误: 运行一个程序是出现了 “sorry this application cannot run under a virtual machine” 错误. 如何解决: 控制面板-->卸载程序-->(左边)启动或关闭Windows功能-->Hyper-V(去掉前面的勾)-->确定,并重启电脑即可 如图:…