sql server 某一列求和 SELECT 患者来源,设备类型,检查部位,设备名称,convert(char(10),STUDY_DATE,121) as 日期, count(distinct 就诊人次) as 就诊人次--SUM(就诊人数) AS 就诊人数 FROM dbo.[V_SeePeople] WHERE STUDY_DATE >= '2019-12-04 00:00:00.000' and STUDY_DATE <= '2019-12-11 23:59:59.000' and…
##指定列求和 需求: 求和:列为“销售金额”的数值 Sub 求和()Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerFor i = 3 To 56For j = 15 To 81 Step 2Cells(i, 13) = Cells(i, 13) + Cells(i, j)Next jNext i End Sub 中间有一段无法调试的代码, Sub 求和()Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerFor i = 3 To range("a65536")…