February 25 2017 Week 8 Saturday】的更多相关文章

Energy and persistence can conquer all things. 能量和毅力可以征服一切. I have the persistence, but it seems I am lack of the energy and some abilities to conquer the things. And the consequence may be that whatever I do, I can't gain the satisfying outcomes, wh…
It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world. 世界这么大,能遇见不容易. Sometimes we choose to trust in something, like the gut, the destiny, the karama, whatever. We often think it may be not the time for us to start a new relationship or to start a ne…
Love means never having to say you're sorry. 爱就是永远不必说对不起. Yesterday I heard an interesting story from one of my friend. He and his wife have married for about 20 years. When they drived to home yesterday evening, his wife talk about one couple of fri…
It takes a great man to be a good listener. 懂得倾听的人才是真的了不起. Don't make comments before you have learned something about the situation. Pay respects to anyone who are talking to you. Maybe you will get something useful from his or her talk. But you sho…
Better master one than engage with ten. 会十事不如精一事. My colleagues think I have known a lot of things, not only know how to program with C and C++, but also know how to work on the Linux Operating System. Uh, in those people who don't have a deep cooper…
If you are not brave enough, no one will back you up. 如果你不够勇敢,没人会替你坚强. I was told that the real man can smile in trouble, gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph…
Courage is grace under pressure. 勇气就是压力下的优雅. In the face of stress, can you deal with your task smoothly? I can't, I can't keep calm, because I am vulnerable to pressures. I just become anxious if facing the pressures, but I seldom take measures to r…
In every triumph, there's a lot of try. 每个胜利背后都有许多尝试. There's a lot of try behind every success, and there's as well a lot of try behind some failure. And the later will be much more disappointed, but the usual condition is that I failed once, then I…
Mountains look beautiful from a distance. 远处看山山更美. This gnomic seems to circulate very long, its more universal version is the distance can produce the beauty, alleged far see a flower, see posse hemp nearly. Yes, the distance produces beauty, while…
Every man is a poet when he is in love. 每个恋爱中的人都是诗人. It is said this saying was from Plato, the famous ancient philosopher. Notice that when you are dating with a girl, the romantic process may involve flowers, chocolate, sweet words and surprising g…
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. 那是我的原则,要是你不喜欢......那我还有其他原则. From Groucho Marx. Please hold on to your principles, if you think they are right. But sometimes, you can be more flexible so that you can stick…
The happiest part of a man's life is what he passes lying awake in bed in the morning. 人生一大乐事莫过去早上醒来可以赖赖床. From Samuel Johnson. Of course it is one of the happiest things, especially when you don't have to worry about your life. But if there are too…
It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well. 头脑聪明还不够,重要的是好好运用. From Rene Descartes. My colleagues have always brought me some surprises these days, and their talented skills and eloquence have made some indelible impression…
Life takes on the meaning that you give it. 你赋予生活什么,生活就是什么样子. I always wonder why on earth I am here and why on earth I am living the current life. I always wonder what is the purpose of my life, whether I can be a man that is somewhat useful to othe…
Happiness is a direction, not a place. 快乐是一个方向,不是一个目的. Do you remember those moments in your life when you were happy and joyful? Do you remeber how those moments came, and how they made you feel? If you have some clear answers, I think you will know…
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. 整天沉溺于梦想而忘记如何好好生活,毫无意义. Bingo, and I think it is useless, even harmful to spend time on these lack-of-rewarding things. Sometimes it would be far better to format the system and restore the whole e…
All I ever wanted was a single thing worth fighting for. 我想要的只不过是一件能让我奋不顾身的事业. Stop complaining the unfairness of fate. Promise yourself to dream more and hesitate less. To believe in yourself more and judge yourself less by the accomplishments of ot…
Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. 只有我可以改变我的命运,没有人可以帮我做. Stop complaining about the unfairness of your fate. Except for some unexpected reasons, many of the results are determined by our own actions. So, if we want to make some chang…
I was well beaten myself, and I am beffer for it. 我自己也被打败过,但我因此变得更好. For most of us, the life road can't be as easy and smooth as we had expected, it is inevitable that we would experience failures, frustrations and losses. No doubt the effects of th…
Knowledge is a treasure but practice is the key to it. 知识是宝藏,但实践才是打开它的钥匙. Experience often comes from one's own practice, because what he learns from his own activities can become a part of himself. Though reading books and learning from other's exam…
The simplest answer is often the correct one. 最简单的答案通常是最正确的答案. Simplest is always best. Sometimes you may find your answer is astonishingly simple after you have spent enourmous time in seeking for the solutions of your problems. If it works, don't d…
Lonely people will always remember his life occurred in each person. 寂寞的人总是会用心记住他生命中出现过的每个人. If you don't love for yourself, you will always live for others. Don't let others be the major character of your life, try to become the shinest star, full o…
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. 身处艰难,但仍有人仰望星空. When standing on the land, make sure you stand with your feet firmly. When looking up at the stars, don't froget to look down at your feet. Dreams, may be too far away…
Don't wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend. 不要等到孤独了,才明白朋友的价值. Don't wait to be left far behind to know the value of endeavors. Maybe what I am currently doing is just useless. Stop to read the datasheet and set up the environments fo…
Some things are more precious because they don't last long. 有些东西之所以弥足珍贵,是因为它们总是昙花一现. Life is ephemeral, so it is very precious. Time is limited, so every second counts. If you love a flower on a star, it is sweet at night to gaze at the sky. 如果你爱上一颗星…
Love means finding the beauty in someone's imperfections. 爱情就是在那个人的不完美中找到美. Our mate isn't actually perfect, but if we want to build a healthy relationship, it is a good way to consider the person is perfect for us, her flaws and all. If you love her…
Live for today and stop stressing out about tomorrow. 为今天而活,不必为明天过分担心. Stop bewailing the past misfortune, stop stressing out about the uncertain tomorrow. The very thing matters is today, and the most important moment is here and now. If we can live…
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. 但凡不能杀死你的,最终都会使你更强大. Seemingly I have heard this from Linkon Park, and one of its members had committed suicide several weeks before. It sounds a little ridiculous, the one who ever gave you strength and…
All endings are beginnings, we just don't know it at the time. 所有的结局都是新的开始,只是当时我们不知道而已. Several months ago, when a famous professional left a giant IT company, he wrote on his weibo: All endings are beginnings, we will start a new adventure. Yes, new…
Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹发生. Everyone expects there can be some miracles happening in the life. Actually miracles happen everyday, if we can change our perceptions about what a miracle can be and we will see…