June 14th 2017 Week 24th Wednesday】的更多相关文章

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. 爱,不在眼里,而在心中. Staring in her eyes and you will find your image. If the two are living in different places, can you think of what she is like in your mind? When making some important decisions, we have t…
Life is too short to miss out anything; try to take it slowly. 生命短暂,放慢脚步,别错过任何沿途的风景. From Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Just because life is too short, just because I don't intend to miss anything, I have to increase my pace, otherwise I would be left fu…
Anger begins with folly, and ends in repentance. 愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终. Learn to control your temper, don't lose your temper over trivial things, especially over the good intention provided by others. You will hurt them, and you may have no chance to repair…
Discontent is the first step in progress. 不知足是前进中的第一步. Several days ago, I wrote down a quote which has the same meaning as this one, and that quote goes as following: Only the mediocre are always at their best. In the other word, if you are content…
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 相聚爱益切,离别情更深. There is almost no such love that can ignore the impacts of time and space. Even the deepest and the most passionate love may go sour along with the time and distance. I have ever listened…
Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow. 进步是今天的活动,明天的保证. The best preparation for tomorrow is doing our best today. Like all the top buildings, without exception, are based on solid foundations, our life, especially the future…
Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 任何值得做的,就把它做好. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well, that can be seen as a guideline in our life and work. Once we have evaluated the feasibility of one project, if we think it is worthing doing, we…
There are no regrets in life, just lessons. 人生中没有后悔,只有教训. Some people can learn from their past mistakes and never make the same mistake again. But some people only regret for their past failures and seldom learn lessons from their negative experienc…
All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend. 人世间所有的荣华富贵都比不上有一个好朋友. It's great to have a good friend, but I think it's greater and more splendid to have a considerable amout of wealth. Because wealth can bring us much more people to meet…
I hope I can find the one who is afraid of losing me. 我希望找到一个担心失去我的人. When I was young, sometimes I threatened my parents that I would commit suicide if they kept on blaming me for my misdeeds. Now I grow up into an adult, I realize that I rally had…
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. 失败是让成功变美味的调味料. There are kinds of flavors in life, only we have experienced them, we will know the taste of the world, we will know what to be cherished and what to be avoided. Without failure,…
A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 平静的海洋练不出熟练的水手. A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner, but a violent sea may kill a greenhand. When we are engaged in a relatively new vacation, the best way may be to follow the principle from easy to…
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. 永远记住,你是独一无二的. I am unique, in the way that all I do may have no results, in the way that all my interview may fail to pass, even at the beginning state, in the way that all my application may get no res…
A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败. Before he was destroyed, he would have been defeated many times. Both confidence and success are always abtained through accumulation, step by step, little by little. A series of failures, con…
In every triumph, there's a lot of try. 每个胜利背后都有许多尝试. There's a lot of try behind every success, and there's as well a lot of try behind some failure. And the later will be much more disappointed, but the usual condition is that I failed once, then I…
Do what you say, say what you do. 做你说过的,说你能做的. Do what I have said, live up to my promise, answer the expectations with gold. Sometimes we have to boast a little more than what we have done. It is just an effective tactic to win. However, if we boast…
好气啊,本来以为比赛时间还有很多,结果回家养病两天回到学校怎么比赛就结束了(雾),大约是小高考弄错了时间? 挑3道有意思的写写题解吧. Cloning 题目大意:给一个序列,每次询问两个等长区间,问区间内的数是否排序后至多只有一个对应位不同. 题解:主席树维护一下hash,求出最大的k,使得两个区间中的前k大在排序后相同,然后判一下后缀即可. #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #define MN 110000 #define ull uns…
To be great, truly great, you have to be the kind of person who makes the others around you great. 要做到真正的伟大,你必须能够让周围的人变得伟大. From Mark Twain. We all want to be liked, loved and happy, some people make us feel valued, some people make us feel special,…
Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. 要敢于冒险,你的经历是无可替代的. From Paulo Coelho. Each step may be a challenge. Each day can become a joy. No one can destroy an unstoppable spirit. The worst and the best is yet to come. To create awarenes…
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. 成功,就是即使经历过一个又一个的失败,都没有失去热情. What is enthusiasm? A simple explanation for the word would be to have a keen interest. It means that we have demonstrated an eagerness a…
If at first you don't succeed, then dust yourself off and try again. 失败了没关系,重振旗鼓,从头再来. From Aaliyah, 'Try Again'. If at first you don't succeed, just try and try again. If you are not willing to give up, you are running about the average. Do not lose…
Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. 拥有益友.良书和一颗宁静的内心:这就是理想的生活. From Mark Twain. An ideal day comes in a variety of ways. Today is one of the odd ones, it is cool and comfortable. In the morning I went to the hosp…
Just be yourself because you are unique and you will shine. 每个人都是独一无二的,做好你自己,你也能够光芒四射. From What a Gril Wants. Why are we trying so hard to fit in when we were born to stand out? We just want to be perfect, we just want to get enough affirmation from…
Love is the beauty of the soul. 爱是灵魂之美. From Saint Augustine. The complete version of this quote goes as following: Since love grows within you, so beauty grows, for love is the beauty of the soul. It may be not about romantic love, in my mind, it is…
There is no friend as loyal as a book. 好书如挚友,情谊永不渝. From Ernest Miller Hemingway. Books are my friends, my companions, they make me laugh, cry, and find the unique meaning in my life. Life is not easy to live without friends. When it comes to books,…
You are confined only by the walls you build yourself. 限制你的只有你自己筑起的墙. From Andrew Murphy. Let's repeat this again and again: We are confined only by the walls we build ourselves. There are so many people, like me, always believe they ae trapped in si…
Love does not dominate, it culitvates. 爱不是羁绊,而是成就. Love should not wipe out everything you are, love should not overpower you in a negative way and make you feel uncomfortable. Instead, it should bring out something good to you. Love requires action,…
综述 我在全面剖析了自身的特质以后,针对于工程技术领域的经验丰富优势.科学研究领域的理论薄弱劣势.我制定了全面夯实科学研究理论基础的学习计划.全面提高效率抓大放小的精力分配原则. 执行成果 线性代数(包括矩阵LU分解.奇异值分解) - 完成 概率论 - 完成 梯度 - 完成 <层次分析法>和<集合论>两篇论文 - 针对数学建模 - 完成 <机器学习>周志华 - 已完成前三章 英语新闻听写 - 150分钟 - 完成 阅读<踏踏实实学英语>- 英语新闻听写的指导…
Of all the tribulations in this world, boredom is the one most hard to bear. 所有的苦难中,无聊是最难以忍受的. When you feel bored, you may fail to focus on things you desire and you will easily get tired. Because boredom often stimulates a form of anxiety and stres…
Eternity is said not to be an extension of time but an absence of time. 永恒不是时间的无限延伸,而是没有时间. What is enternity? What kind of traits can be qualified as eternity? There are few things that can stand the test of time, time will eventually kill us, and a…