Getting or Setting Pixels】的更多相关文章

Getting or Setting Pixels The safe (slow) way Suppose you are working on an Image<Bgr, Byte>. You can obtain the pixel on the y-th row and x-th column by calling Bgr color = img[y, x]; Setting the pixel on the y-th row and x-th column is also simple… Unity3D脚本中文系列教程(十四) ◆ LightRenderMode.Auto 描述: 自动选择渲染模式. 选择是否渲染这个Light为像素光或者顶点光源(建议缺省). // 设置光源的渲染模式为自动 light.renderMode = LightRenderMode.Auto; 参见: light组件 ◆ LightRenderMode.ForceP… Basics Minimal Shader(about shaders, materials, and game objects) // Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)' Shader "Custom/Cg basic shader" { //defines the nam…
Andrej Karpathy blog About Hacker's guide to Neural Networks Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels May 31, 2016 This is a long overdue blog post on Reinforcement Learning (RL). RL is hot! You may have noticed that computers can now automatica…
Table of Contents: Setting up the data and the model Data Preprocessing Weight Initialization Batch Normalization Regularization (L2/L1/Maxnorm/Dropout) Loss functions Summary Setting up the data and the model In the previous section we introduced a…
1 I帧,P帧,B帧,IDR帧,NAL单元 I frame:帧内编码帧,又称intra picture,I 帧通常是每个 GOP(MPEG 所使用的一种视频压缩技术)的第一个帧,经过适度地压缩,做为随机访问的参考点,可以当成图象.I帧可以看成是一个图像经过压缩后的产物: P frame: 前向预测编码帧,又称predictive-frame,通过充分将低于图像序列中前面已编码帧的时间冗余信息来压缩传输数据量的编码图像,也叫预测帧: B frame: 双向预测内插编码帧,又称bi-directio…
本文主要说明Setting的实现以及Mail这个功能模块如何使用Setting. 首先区分一下ABP中的Setting和Configuration. Setting一般用于需要通过外部配置文件(或数据库)设置的简单类型数据(一般就是字符串),比如SMTP HOST. Configuration一般只需要通过内部代码完成的配置,一般用于设置复杂类型的数据. 目前Abp在setting 这个功能模块只能从配置文件读取设置,无法从其他source(比如数据库)读取设置.也可以自定义SettingSto…
AuditLog: 继承自Entity<long>的实体类.封装AuditLog的信息. AuditingStore: 实现了IAuditingStore接口,实现了将AuditLog的信息保存到数据库的功能.其通过IRepository<AuditLog, long>实例完成对数据库的操作. BackgroundJobStore :  实现了IBackgroundJobStore接口,通过IRepository<BackgroundJobInfo, long>完成对B…
An image is represented by a binary matrix with 0 as a white pixel and 1 as a black pixel. The black pixels are connected, i.e., there is only one black region. Pixels are connected horizontally and vertically. Given the location (x, y) of one of the…
EBS Profile Setting (Personalization Basics): Personalization Basics For R12 Forms Enable personalizations.  System Administrator > Profile Options and set the following to Yes a. Personalize Self-Service Defn b. FND: Personalization region Link Enab…