MCU PWM DAC OP Voltage Output】的更多相关文章 Posted by AnalogAdvocate on April 09, 2010 Design, General In today’s highly competitive electronics environment, designers are constantly looking for ways to reduce overall system costs.  One…
[TI博客大赛][原创]LM3S811之基于PWM的DAC One-bit DAC Take one pin of an FPGA, connect a speaker and listen to an MP3? Easy. Here, we'll use a PC to decode an MP3, and then s…
虽然STM32F103ZET6具有内部DAC,但是也仅仅只有两条DAC通道,并且STM32还有其他的很多型号是没有DAC的.通常情况下,采用专用的D/A芯片来实现,但是这样就会带来成本的增加. 不过STM32所有的芯片都有PWM输出,并且PWM输出通道很多,资源丰富.因此,我们可以使用PWM+简单的RC滤波来实现DAC的输出从而节省成本. PWM DACPWM DAC的构成原理PWM本质上其实就是是一种周期一定,而高低电平占空比可调的方波.实际电路的典型PWM波形,如下图所示: 针对PWM的波形…
how determine the RC time constant in PWM digital to analog low-pass filter? I 'm looking for the best RC time constant and its reason in a PWM to convert digital signal to analog based on duty-cycle and frequency and other parameters. PWM frequency…
how to generate an analog output from a in-built pwm of Atmega 32AVR microcontrloller? you need a resistor, a capacitor and an opamp. opamp is not really necessary when you are driving a mosfet, but will make life a bit easier. just be aware, that th… Many embedded-microcontroller applications require generation of analog signals. An integrated or stand-alone DAC fills the role. However, you can often use PWM si… Digital Adjustment of DC-DC Converter Output Voltage in Portable Applications Abstract: This tutorial discusses methods for digitally adjusti…
DIGITALLY ADJUSTABLE BOOST CONVERTER The TPS61045 is a high frequency boost converter with digitally programmable output voltage and true shutdown. During shutdown, the output is disconnected from the input by opening the internal input switch. This… There are many different ways to change the output voltage Applications that require the output voltage of a power supply to change dynamically come from a wide…