题目 A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)– everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer. Starting from one root supplier, everyone on the chain buys products from one's supplier in a pr…
统计树的最小层数以及位于该层数上的叶子节点个数即可. 代码里建树我用了邻接链表的存储方式——链式前向星,不了解的可以参考,非常好用: http://www.cnblogs.com/chenxiwenruo/p/4513754.html #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <string.h> #include <cmath> using names…
本文同步发布在CSDN:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44385565/article/details/90444872 1106 Lowest Price in Supply Chain (25 分)   A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from su…
1106. Lowest Price in Supply Chain (25) A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer. Starting from one root supplier, everyone on the chain buy…
https://pintia.cn/problem-sets/994805342720868352/problems/994805362341822464 A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer. Starting from one ro…
A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer. Starting from one root supplier, everyone on the chain buys products from one's supplier in a pric…
题目 A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)–everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer. Starting from one root supplier, everyone on the chain buys products from one's supplier in a pri…
题目 A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)– everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer. Starting from one root supplier, everyone on the chain buys products from one's supplier in a pr…
简单dfs #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<vector> #include<map> #include<queue> #include<stack> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; +; vector<int>g[maxn]; int n; double P,r…
题意:输入一个正整数N(<=1e5),两个小数P和R,分别表示树的结点个数和商品原价以及每下探一层会涨幅的百分比.输出叶子结点深度最小的商品价格和深度最小的叶子结点个数. trick: 测试点1只有根节点一个点,输出P和1. AAAAAccepted code: #define HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; vector<]; ]; void dfs(int x,int y){ )…