安装Vmware Tools出现: Before you can compile modules, you need to have the following installed... makegcckernel headers of the running kernel ---解决办法-- 挂载ISO镜像,做yum源 yum install gcc*    安装gcc yum install   kernel-headers-$(uname -r)       kernel-devel-$(…
一.首先是安装VMWare tools   安装过程可参考:Installing VMware Tools in an Ubuntu virtual machine   安装成功后,可看的如下信息: ######################### The configuration of VMware Tools 9.6.2 build-1688356 for Linux for this running kernel completed successfully. You must res…
一.首先是安装VMWare tools打开虚拟机软件,在菜单栏‘虚拟机’子菜单下‘安装VMware Tools' 1.以root身份进入Linux 2.此时把linux的/dev/cdrom设备挂载到一个文件夹上,比如我的就在/home下新建一个文件夹/tmp,把cdrom挂载到了tmp下:mount /dev/cerom /home/tmp 3.进入/tmp目录下,使用命令解压: tar zxf vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz 文件 4.进入解压后的文件夹,使用 ./vmw…
我的机子炸了,然后我就得重新装我的虚拟机,再然后我就想去弄好我的共享文件夹安装vmtools,安装的时候出现了一个问题,我忘记以前是怎么解决的,又困扰了我好久 Searching for a valid kernel header path... The path "" is not a valid path to the 3.2.0-4-amd64 kernel headers. Would you like to change it? [yes]     就是他!!网上给出的答案根…
近日使用VMware fushion 8 + centos 7.0时,无法使用共享功能,所以必须安装vmtools.但是安装过程中有2个错误需要解决. 1.gcc错误 Searching for GCC...The path "" is not valid path to the gcc binary. 2.内核头文件问题 Searching for a valid kernel header path...The path "" is not a valid pa…
Ubuntu 16.04安装虚拟工具VMware Tools,指的是在虚拟机VMWare安装Ubuntu 16.04后再安装VMware Tools的过程.很多人接触Linux都是从虚拟机开始,而安装了虚拟工具,就如装了驱动一样,让虚拟系统更具有操作性.Ubuntu Linux安装比较顺利,原因大概是VMWare对流行的Ubuntu支持比较好. 写这篇文章的原因是发现有些人依然对如何安装虚拟工具VMware Tools感到困惑,借此我把过程再讲一遍. 在安装之前先解决这篇文章的问题,安装 VMw…
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS安装VMware Tools无法找到kernel header path的问题   ubuntuvmware Ubuntu 12.04 安装 VMware Tools,运行vmware-config-tools.pl 时,总是提示The path "" is not valid.What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your runningkernel? 输入…
VMWARE TOOLS安装提示THE PATH IS NOT A VALID PATH TO THE GENERIC KERNEL HEADERS I solved this problem, I guess. Perhaps the version.h does not exists at 3.7.0-7-generic/include/linux directory. First, make sure install build-essiontial and linux-headers.…
win10安装的vmware workstation12在安装VMware tools时出现问题: root@lc:/root/vmware-tools-distrib# ./vmware-install.plA previous installation of VMware Tools has been detected. The previous installation was made by the tar installer (version 4). Keeping the tar4…
前言 安装ubuntu虚拟机时默认比例如下图,且ubuntu系统选项中没有合适的比例,可以安装Vmware Tools来解决. 注意:该方法只适用于有操作界面的系统,之前有位小伙伴在服务器上也想安装Tools最终也没帮到他. 一.进入系统桌面 1.VMware左上角点击虚拟机->安装VMware Tools(T)... 2.点击"是"->弹出下图->双击桌面光盘图标进入文件夹 3.右键文件(VMwareTools-10.3.10-13959562.tar.gz)-&g…