Ember Data的store为检索一个类型的records提供一个接口. 一.Retrieving a single record(检索单记录) 1. 通过type和ID使用store.findRecord()去检索一条record.这将返回一个promise,它通过请求的record来实现: var post = this.store.findRecord('post', 1); // => GET /posts/1 2. 通过type和ID使用store.peekRecord()去检索一…
一.Should I use a query or a filter to seach records?我应该使用一个查询或者过滤器来搜索记录吗? 这取决于你想要搜索多少reocrds并且它们是否被加载到store中了. 1. Queries (1) Queries对于搜索数百,数千,或者甚至百万的记录是有用的.你仅仅把搜索选项交给你的服务器,并且它负责把匹配的records列表交还给你.因为来自服务器的响应包含所有匹配的records的ID,这并不重要,如果store没有提前加载它们:它认为它…
An improved memory model and implementation is disclosed. The memory model includes a Total Store Ordering (TSO) and Partial Store Ordering (PSO) memory model to provide a partial order for the memory operations which are issued by multiple processor…
The data package is what loads and saves all of the data in your application and consists of 41 classes, but there are three that are more important than all the others - Model, Store and Ext.data.proxy.Proxy. These are used by almost every applicati…