Background In our application, we have a screen which hosts several tabs. In each tab, it contains a third-party GridControl (like the WPF standard GridView control). And we need to display some column cells as hyper link, so user can click on it, v…
本文介绍一种圆形的识别方案. 识别流程 判断是否为封闭图形: 根据圆的方程,取输入点集中的1/6.3/6.5/6处的三个点,求得圆的方程,获取圆心及半径: 取点集中的部分点,计算点到圆心的距离与半径的比例,与设定的阈值比较,得出结果.~~~~ 实现 public static bool IsCircle(List<Point> points, out Point center, out double radius) { int len = points.Count; center = new…