外国不过十一,所以利用十一假期,看看他们都在干什么. 一.小白问题 http://answers.opencv.org/question/199987/contour-single-blob-with-multiple-object/ Contour Single blob with multiple object Hi to everyone. I'm developing an object shape identification application and struck up wit…
1.OpenCV to detect how missing tooth in equipment Hello everyone. I am just starting with OpenCV and still a bit lost. Is OpenCV helpful to detect the position of a missing object (tooth for example)? I would like to build a code to analyze an image…
一.How to make auto-adjustments(brightness and contrast) for image Android Opencv Image Correction i'm using OpenCV for Android. I would like to know,how to make image correction(auto adjustments of brightness/contrast) for image(bitmap) in android vi…
我们使用一下两张表作为范例: select * from [dbo].[employee] select * from [dbo].[dept] 1.select语句 DISTINCT:去掉记录中的重复值. select distinct dept_no from [dbo].[employee] TOP:返回第一行或者是前几行 select top(3) * from [dbo].[employee] AS:修改列标题 select e_no as '员工编号', e_name as '员工姓…
2017年4月16日 一周AnswerOpenCV佳作赏析 1.HelloHow to smooth edge of text in binary image, based on threshold.Something like anti-aliasing by openCv?example 题目:图片去毛刺 优质解答: #; } ) radius; Mat mInput,mOutput; Mat mChannel[]; split(mInput_Bg…