Android 程序开发完成后,如果要发布到互联网上供别人使用,就需要将自己的程序打包成Android 安装包文件(Android Package,APK),其扩展名为.apk.使用run as 也能生成一个APK安装包,但是使用run as 生成的是测试的安装包,只供开发者自己测试使用. 接下来就以HelloWord程序为例演示如何生成正式的APK文件. 1.右键项目名称,依次选择Android Tools——>Explort Signed Application Package,如图所示:…
from: the app context is a ResourceLoader (i.e. I/O operations) it consumes resources that need to be freed at some point. It is also an…
在面向对象的设计中有很多流行的思想,比如说 "所有的成员变量都应该设置为私有(Private)","要避免使用全局变量(Global Variables)","使用运行时类型识别(RTTI:Run Time Type Identification,例如 dynamic_cast)是危险的" 等等.那么,这些思想的源泉是什么?为什么它们要这样定义?这些思想总是正确的吗?本篇文章将介绍这些思想的基础:开放封闭原则(Open Closed Princi… Question: When trying to establish a sqlplus connection to the database, I get the “ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed” error message. How do I resolve this? SQL> conn vst_server/xxx@node1 ER…
EX:The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. 这个是证书引起的.. 用IE浏览器访问接口,右击浏览器窗口,现在属性.查看证书. 应该是不可以的. 应该安装证书.…
当你的selenium WebDriver 启动IE11报这个错时:Unable to find element on closed window (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information),通过Google解决了:Required Configuration:For IE 11 only, you will need to set a registry entry on the target computer…