转自:https://petersouter.xyz/writing-and-playing-with-custom-terraform-providers/ I’ve been digging deeper on Terraform. It’s something I’ve tinkered with in the past, but I’ve not really sat down to really use it in anger and try and tie a large proje…
Surface Shader中的自定义光照模型 当你在编写 Surface Shaders 时,是在描述一个表面的属性(反射颜色.法线……),而且光的交互过程是由一个光照模型来计算的.内建的光照模型有Lambert(漫反射光照)和BlinnPhong(镜面光照). 有时候,你可能想要使用一个自定义的光照模型,这在Surface Shader中是可能的.光照模型其实就是一些满足某些约定的Cg/HLSL函数.Unity内建的光照模型Lambert和BlinnPhong定义在Lighting.cgin…
转自:https://www.terraform.io/docs/extend/writing-custom-providers.html 很详细,做为一个记录 In Terraform, a Provider is the logical abstraction of an upstream API. This guide details how to build a custom provider for Terraform. NOTE: This guide details steps t…
转自:https://container-solutions.com/write-terraform-provider-part-1/ This is the first part of a series of blog posts that explain how to write Terraform providers. Before we start I would like to state that this article asumes a couple of things from…
一,引言 上篇文章开始,我们简单介绍了以下通过基础设施管理工具----- Terraform,通过它来统一管理复杂的云基础设施资源.作为入门演示,使用Terraform 部署Azure 资源组的方式直观的感受到iac 工具带来的强大便利.接下来,今天介绍 Terraform 语法详解,从代码的角度来理解Azure 各个资源模块更好的理解如果部署资源. -------------------- Azure Terraform 系列 -------------------- 1,Azure Terr…
[目录] Prerequisites plugin installation and configuration 1 Ensure Composer is initialized 2 Install the Laravel IDE Helper 3 Generate the PHPDoc Helper File using Artisan 4 Install and enable the Laravel Plugin Laravel Framework Support in PhpStorm C…
The following topics are covered in this section: JAAS and WebLogic Server JAAS Authentication Development Environment Writing a Client Application Using JAAS Authentication Using JNDI Authentication Java Client JAAS Authentication Code Examples The…
Django documentation contents 翻译完成后会做标记. 文档按照官方提供的内容一页一页的进行翻译,有些内容涉及到其他节的内容,会慢慢补上.所有的翻译内容按自己的理解来写,尽量做到“信达雅”.也算是给自己学习英语提供一个好的方式,既能助人又能利己. Getting started Django at a glance  (CSDN 有一个哥们已经翻译了...) Design your model Install it Enjoy the free API A dynami…
Solution Architect How to become a solution architect - CareerExplorer What does a solution architect do? - CareerExplorer What is a Solution Architect? Do you love being in charge of things, and of finding answers and solutions to problems? Are you…
Introduction to ASP.NET Core Asp.net core 介绍 270 of 282 people found this helpful By Daniel Roth, Rick Anderson and Shaun Luttin Meng.Net 自译 ASP.NET Core is a significant redesign of ASP.NET. This topic introduces the new concepts in ASP.NET Core and…