I always dislike handing off little applications to people. Not because I can’t, but because of the steps involved to make sure it all just works. Small apps are the most problematic because I never want to take the time to create a whole installer p…
一.Python打包为EXE文件有不少方案,比较常用的有下面两种方式: 1.使用py2exe 详细介绍:http://www.cnblogs.com/jans2002/archive/2006/09/30/519393.html 2.使用Pyinstaller 本文重点介绍该方式打包. 二.Pyinstaller使用 简介:PyInstaller可以将Python程序打包成Windows(当然也包括Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and AIX)下可执行的EXE文件,目前支持p…