source code下载地址:unpv13e.tar.gz下载 (也有放一份在google cloud storage) compile 1. ./configure 2. cd lib make 3. cd libfree 修改inet_ntop.c size_t size; 變成 socklen_t size; make 4.(感覺這一步應該不用做) cd ../libgai make 5. cd ../intro # build and test a basic clien…
- Dense blocks where each layer is connected to every other layer in feedforward fashion(緊密塊是指每一個層與每個其他層都以前向的方式相連接) - Alleviates vanishing gradient, strengthens feature propagation, encourages feature reuse(缓解梯度消失,加强特征传播,鼓励特征重用)…