There are n coins in a line. Two players take turns to take one or two coins from right side until there are no more coins left. The player who take the last coin wins. Could you please decide the first play will win or lose? Have you met this questi…
There are n coins with different value in a line. Two players take turns to take one or two coins from left side until there are no more coins left. The player who take the coins with the most value wins. Could you please decide the first player will…
[抄题]: Given n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line. Example 1: Input: [[1,1],[2,2],[3,3]] Output: 3 Explanation: ^ | |        o |     o |  o   +-------------> 0  1  2  3 4 Example 2: Input: [[1,1]…
有 n 个硬币排成一条线.两个参赛者轮流从右边依次拿走 1 或 2 个硬币,直到没有硬币为止.拿到最后一枚硬币的人获胜. 请判定 第一个玩家 是输还是赢? n = 1, 返回 true.n = 2, 返回 true.n = 3, 返回 false.n = 4, 返回 true.n = 5, 返回 true. 解法:DP, 复杂度 O(N), O(N) 最少是n = 3时,返回false,说明当一个player面临只有3个棋子的时候,他肯定会输.dp[i]表示的是,当有i个棋子的时候,先手玩家会不… A very juicy one! Deserve more consideration. class Solution { public: /** * @param values: a vector of integers * @return: a boolean which equals to true if the first playe…
Nice one to learn: DP + Game Theory In game theory, we assume the other player always take optimal step too. Combining with DP, we put this assumption together with ea…
Recursion + Memorized Search(DP). And apparently, the code below can be iterative with only 3 vars - DP. class Solution { unordered_map<int, bool> cache; public: bool go(int n) { ) return false; ) return true; if(cache.find(n) == cache.end()) { cach…
布局时 img标签与span标签在同一行是不能垂直,解决办法:在 img标签添加一个 vertical-align:middle; 即 <!-- img与span的文字与图片保持同一条水平线 在img中添加vertical-align:middle;--> <div> <img style="width: 50px;height: auto;vertical-align:middle;" src='../images/x_02.png'/> <…
转载自: 截取线所在的面Data.Extract .slice from Plane,显示如下窗口,调节面的位置,点击Extract: 转到二维图形显示界面 调整坐标轴,显示出截取的面.Plot.Assign xy- 接着就是如何提取平面上的某条线了,例如要提取z=0.01这条线.在Contour窗口中显示Z的level,将默认的level值全部删除,并将0.01添加进去,如图. 在Zone…
首先附上我的github地址,,线上实例: 线上实例,你可以随意起用户名,房间号,然后让你同事或者自己再打开一个网页,输入任意用户名,但是房间号一样才可以进入同一个房间对战 本地运行,拷贝代码,npm install依赖,进入server文件夹,执行 node index.js,然后直接在页面打开client里面的index.html文件夹即可 详细的源码和解释…