DB2 bind on z/os】的更多相关文章

BIND and REBIND options for packages and plans There are several options you can use for binding or rebinding plans and packages. Some of the options are common for both bind and rebind and for both plans and packages. Defaults: The default for an op…
2016-04-15 Oracle发布了GoldenGate for DB2 z/OS可以从OTN或eDelivery下载,该版本是ogg for DB2 z/OS的第一个12.2版本.下面是该版本中增加的新特性:1. 表级的字符集设置:在DB2 z/OS中,每个表可以有不同的字符集,Oracle GoldenGate for DB2 z/OS 12.2在复制过程中不修改表的字符集,通过避免字符集的转换来提高目标端投递性能.2. 队列文件中包含元数据信息,不再需要def…
https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPGG_10.5.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.apdv.embed.doc/doc/c0005563.html Binding embedded SQL packages to a database   Binding is the process of creating a package from a bind file and storing it in a database. Appli…
前面两篇文章分别讲过了如何合并并压缩批量文件,如何解压缩并恢复批量文件, 这些问题解决了之后还剩下一个大问题,如何在网络上传输这些压缩过的文件,如果是linux的话非常简单,制定binary,然后get就可以了,可在z/os上,一切都没这么简单.   最重要的是在ftp的时候需要制定要创建的dataset的类型, 否则的话你的文件传下来肯定unterse的时候会报文件不是terse过的文件.如下面的例子所示,locsite这个命令指定了要在本机上新建的文件类型,可以直接使用下面的格式,也可以参考…
ASNTDIFF的diff table有一列类型为varchar 15000,z上创建db默认的pagesize是4K,无法创建table,所以需要创建一个大pagesize的database. db2 on z上create database命令和luw平台上不同,无法直接指定的pagesize,而是需要制定buffer pool.…
Use the LOAD online utility to load one or more tables of a table space. The LOAD utility loads records into the tables and builds or extends any indexes that are defined on them. If the table space already contains data, you can choose whether you w…
The PREPARE statement creates an executable SQL statement from a string form of the statement. The character-string form is called a statement string. The executable form is called a prepared statement. Invocation This statement can only be embedded…
可以创建在任何表上的索引: Unique Index:An index that ensures that the value in a particular column or set of columns is unique. Primary index:A unique index on the primary key of the table. Secondary index:An index that is not a primary index. Clustering index:A…
这个困扰了我两天的问题终于解决了,在运行这个job时:总是提示 A REQUIRED DD CARD OR TEMPLATE IS MISSING NAME=SYSDISC A REQUIRED DD CARD OR TEMPLATE IS MISSING NAME=SYSPUNCH 一直在努力找为什么这两个DD不存在,明明是默认的好吗,加上对JCL以及主机Z不熟悉,导致一直认为这应该用的是系统配置好的data set. PUNCHDDN ddname Specifies the DD stat…
Install pythondev Install DB2 or server driver package easy_install ibm_db Get license file from torolab.    ftp://db2ftp.torolab.ibm.com:/devinst/db2_v95GA/licenses/s071001/consv_zs/db2/license/db2consv_zs.lic   Run follow command:     db2licm –a db…