This is a highly-cited paper. The context aware saliency proposed based on four principles, which can be explained as follows: 1. Areas that have distinctive colors or patterns should obtain high saliency; 2. Frequently occurring features should be s…
1. 早期C. Koch与S. Ullman的研究工作. 他们提出了非常有影响力的生物启发模型. C. Koch and S. Ullman . Shifts in selective visual attention: Towards the underlying neural circuitry. Human Neurobiology, 4(4):219-227, 1985. C. Koch and T. Poggio. Predicting the Visual World: Silenc…
Spationtemporal Saliency Detection Using Textural Contrast and Its Applications Last Edit 2013/12/3 一点题外话: 最近才把研究方向定下来了,视频显著性.导师给了30篇相关文献,让我仔细研读,了解paper的思路.为了督促自己,要求自己将读过的文献都做一点相关的总结.因为CSDN博客不能设立私密空间,若有网友看到我写的东西,希望指正,毕竟我还是一个初学者,对于这个研究方向还是太熟悉,写这个…
Saliency Detection: A Spectral Residual Approach 题目:Saliency Detection: A Spectral Residual Approach 作者:Xiaodi Hou, Liqing Zhang 领域:显著性目标检测 类型:新视角, 新方法 概述 The ability of human visual system to detect visual saliency is extraordinarily fast and reliab…
AUC_shuffled.m function [score,tp,fp] = AUC_shuffled(saliencyMap, fixationMap, otherMap, Nsplits, stepSize, toPlot) % saliencyMap is the saliency map % fixationMap is the human fixation map (binary matrix) % otherMap is a binary fixation map (like fi…
步骤1:先定义KLdiv函数: function score = KLdiv(saliencyMap, fixationMap) % saliencyMap is the saliency map % fixationMap is the human fixation map map1 = im2double(imresize(saliencyMap, size(fixationMap))); map2 = im2double(fixationMap); % make sure map1 and…
持续更新ing~ all *.files come from the author: 1 牛人Homepages(随意排序,不分先后): 1.USC Computer Vision Group:南加大,多目标跟踪/检测等: 2.ETHZ Computer Vision Laboratory:苏黎世联邦理工学院,欧洲最好的几个CV/ML研究机构: 3.Helmut Grabner:Online Boost…
Topic Name Reference code Feature Detection, Feature Extraction, and Action Recognition Space-Time Interest Points (STIP) I. Laptev, On Space-Time Interest Points, IJCV, 2005 and I. Laptev and T. Lindeberg, On Space-Time Interest Points, IJCV 2005 …
计算机视觉与模式识别代码合集第二版three Topic Name Reference code Optical Flow Horn and Schunck's Optical Flow code Optical Flow Black and Anandan's Optical Flow code Pose Estimation Training Deformable Models for Localization Ramanan, D. "Learning to Parse I…
Awesome GAN for Medical Imaging 2018-08-10 09:32:43 This blog is copied from: A curated list of awesome GAN resources in medical imaging, inspired by the other awesome-* initiatives. For a co… ORAL SESSION Image Captioning and Question Answering Monday, June 27th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM. These papers will also be presented at the following poster session 1 Deep Compositional Captioning: Descr…
Accepted Papers Title Primary Subject Area ID 3D computer vision 93 UPnP: An optimal O(n) solution to the absolute pose problem with universal applicability 128 Video Registration to SfM Models 168 Image-based 4-d Modeling Using 3-d Change Detect…
转自:CVPapers This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere…