在.htaccess文件中增加 AuthUserFile /var/www/htpasswd/test.htpasswd AuthName EnterPassword AuthType Basic require valid-user #htpasswd密码文件生成.Create a password file Filename with username as the initial ID. It will prompt for the password htpasswd -c Filenam…
Send Push Notifications to iOS Devices using Xcode 8 and Swift 3 OCT 6, 2016 Push notifications are a great way to ensure your users re-engage with your app every once in a while, but implementing them on iOS can be challenging, especially with all o…
我是在flume向hdfs 写(sink)数据时遇到的这个错误. Server (是指hdfs) asks us to fall back to SIMPLE auth, but this client (是指flume) is configured to only allow secure (是指kerberos) connections. 原因是flume开了kerberos,而hdfs没有开kerberos. 此时flume和hdfs的通信就不能使用相同的认证方式,hdfs只识别简单认证模…
One Time Auth One-time authentication (shortened as OTA) is a new experimental feature designed to improve the security against CCA. You should understand the protocol before reading this document. By default, the server that supports OTA should run…
<?php namespace WangDong\Http\Controllers\Auth; use Illuminate\Http\Exception\HttpResponseException; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use WangDong\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard; use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Registrar;…
今天在同步备份文件时遇到一个情况,以前正常的备份,在昨天突然同步备份文件失败了.于是开始检查原因..... 报错日志/var/log/rsyncd.log发现错误 // :: [] auth failed on module backup_www from UNKNOWN ( unauthorized user // :: [] name lookup failed for Name or service not known // :: […