JAAS provides pluggable authentication, which means ActiveMQ will use the same authentication API regardless of the technique used to verify user credentials (a text file, a relational database, LDAP, and so on). All that’s required is an implementat…
The easiest way to secure the broker is through the use of authentication credentials placed directly in the broker’s XML configuration file. Such functionality is provided by the simple authentication plug-in that’s part of ActiveMQ. The following l…
先在官网下载activeMQ,我这里是5.10.0. 然后在解压在一个文件夹下即可. 我这里是:D:\apache-activemq-5.10.0-bin 然后进入bin目录:D:\apache-activemq-5.10.0-bin\apache-activemq-5.10.0\bin 可以看到有win32 与win64 你可以根据自己的需要启动mq. 我这里是win64,目录是:D:\apache-activemq-5.10.0-bin\apache-activemq-5.10.0\bin\…
To build upon authentication, consider a use case requiring more fine-grained control over clients to authorize certain tasks. ActiveMQ provides two levels of authorization: operation-level authorization and message-level authorization. These two typ…
If none of any built-in security mechanisms works for you, you can always build your own. Though these features should provide enough functionality for the majority of users, an even more powerful feature is available. As stated previously, the Activ…
Maven Dependency: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.activemq</groupId> <artifactId>activemq-all</artifactId> <version>${activemq.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <gr…
方法一 通过 ActiveMQ Web 控制台删除. 方法二 通过 Java 代码删除. ActiveMQConnection.destroyDestination(ActiveMQDestination destination) 方法三 通过配置 conf/activemq.xml, 当 broker 探测到闲置的队列或主题,删除.回收资源. <broker xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema/core" brokerName=&q…
An Apache ActiveMQ connection can be configured by explicitly setting properties on the ActiveMQConnection or ActiveMQConnectionFactory objects themselves via the bean properties or using the following URI syntax. Example You set the property called…
Sending a JMS message public class MyMessageProducer { ... // 创建连接工厂实例 ConnectionFactory connFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory( ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_USER, ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_PASSWORD, "tcp://localhost:61616"); Connection conn…
1. 编辑 ACTIVEMQ_HOME/conf/activemq.xml. <beans> <broker brokerName="localhost" persistent="true" xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema/core"> <persistenceAdapter> <jdbcPersistenceAdapter dataSource=&quo…
1. Place the jndi.properties file on the classpath. java.naming.factory.initial = org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory # use the following property to configure the default connector java.naming.provider.url = vm://localhost # use t…
In this section we’ll look at two useful features of ActiveMQ: subscribing to multiple destinations using wildcards, and publishing to multiple destinations using composite destinations. ActiveMQ uses a special notation to denote a wildcard subscript…
When messages expire on the ActiveMQ broker (they exceed their time-to-live, if set) or can’t be redelivered, they’re moved to a dead-letter queue, so they can be consumed or browsed by an administrator at a later point. Messages are redelivered to a…
2.1 Producer API We encourage all new development to use the new Java producer. This client is production tested and generally both faster and more fully featured than the previous Scala client. You can use this client by adding a dependency on the c…
在启动activemq的时候出现错误:“错误: 找不到或无法加载主类 Files\apache-activemq-5.10.0\bin\..\conf\login.config”,之前用activemq的时候没遇到这个问题,这次折腾就遇到了.每一次问题,都是一次收获和成长的机会,哪怕是一点点,没关系,不积跬步无以至千里! 查找login.config,明明路径E:\Program Files\apache-activemq-5.10.0\conf\login.config文件存在. 于是仔细阅读…
The following topics are covered in this section: JAAS and WebLogic Server JAAS Authentication Development Environment Writing a Client Application Using JAAS Authentication Using JNDI Authentication Java Client JAAS Authentication Code Examples The…
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure JAAS authentication in Tomcat using the HTTP Basic authentication scheme. Introduction Tomcat provides a default JAAS Realm implementation so developers may implement JAAS Login Modules and easily inte…
一.选择环境: 1.说明 本次部署使用台机器,3台用于搭建CDH集群,1台为内部源.内部源机器是可以连接公网的,可以提前部署好内部源,本次部署涉及到的服务器的hosts配置如下:    sp-04    sp-05    sp-06 本次安装为cdh5.10.0 需要centos版本: Jdk版本:jdk-8u73-linux-x64.tar 参考地址:https://www.cloudera.com/do…
 window下安装配置 一.官网下载 http://activemq.apache.org/artemis/download.html 二.百度网盘下载 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1KBMw0mAwaCfsZ1g6D42Zdw 提取码:to0q 三.下载完成后,解压到任意目录,我是解压到了D:\jenkins_cj 四.以管理员运行cmd 五.切换到D:\jenkins_cj\apache-artemis-2.10.0\bin目录下 D: cd /D:\jenkin…
概述 开启博客分享已近三个月,感谢所有花时间精力和小编一路学习和成长的伙伴们,有你们的支持,我们继续再接再厉 **本人博客网站 **IT小神 www.itxiaoshen.com 定义 Tomcat官网 http://tomcat.apache.org/ Apache Tomcat软件是Jakarta Servlet.Jakarta Server Pages.Jakarta Expression Language.Jakarta WebSocket.Jakarta annotation和Jaka…
对于NGINX 支持epoll模型 epoll模型的优点 定义: epoll是Linux内核为处理大批句柄而作改进的poll,是Linux下多路复用IO接口select/poll的增强版本,它能显著的减少程序在大量并发连接中只有少量活跃的情况下的系统CPU利用率.因为它会复用文件描述符集合来传递结果而不是迫使开发者每次等待事件之前都必须重新准备要被侦听的文件描述符集合,另一个原因就是获取事件的时候,它无须遍历整个被侦听的描述符集,只要遍历那些被内核IO事件异步唤醒而加入Ready队列的描述符集合…
页面加载时出现这个错误: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. 下载这个文件安装即可: Microsoft Report Vie…
mono 3.10.0 正式发布:性能进一步改进,以前已经写过一篇  Centos 7.0 安装Mono 3.4 和Jexus 5.6.下面我们在CentOS 7上通过源码安装Mono 3.10, 需要安装最新的libgdiplus3.8. 1. 安装依赖项 yum -y install wget glib2-devel libtiff libtiff-devel libjpeg libjpeg-devel giflib giflib-devel libpng libpng-devel libX…
Mono是Xamarin资助的一个项目,是微软的.NET框架的开源实现.它使得使用C#.F#和其他.NET语言进行跨平台开发成为可能.Xamarin在Mono之上构建了跨平台开发工具以及像Xamarin.Forms(可以使用跨平台代码辅助创建原生的体验)这样的框架产品.开发工具和框架在开发者之间都有应用(Xamarin最近获得了5400万美元C轮融资,会继续在这方面发力).Xamarin也已经在和微软开展合作,以改进.NET和Mono之间的兼容性.ASP.NET vNext(尤其是KRuntim…
虚拟机界数一数二的王者软件VMWare Workstation 今日推出了最新的VMware Workstation 10.0 版本.该版本最大的更新是加入了简体中文语言,这意味着未来神马汉化包.中文包将退出.与此同时,VMware Workstation 10延续了VMware的一贯传统,提供专业技术人员每天所依赖的创新功能.它支持Windows 8.1(拿来虚拟体验Windows 8.1 的最佳选择).平板电脑传感器和即将过期的虚拟机,是一款完美的工具,可使您的工作无缝.直观.更具关联性.…
SolarWinds DPA的升级其实是一件非常简单的事情,这里介绍一下从DPA 9.1.95升级到 DPA 10.0.352版本的流程.为什么要升级呢? DPA给用户发的邮件已经写的非常清楚了(如下所示),DPA 10.0这个版本已开始支持MySQL了,另外它解决了一些Bug,在性能上有所改进.提升. Our records indicate that you might have Database Performance Analyzer (DPA) 9.0 installed and li…
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\DevServer\10.0…
问题导读1.borker包含哪些属性?2.Producer包含哪些属性?3.Consumer如何配置?borker(0.9.0及0.10.0)配置Kafka日志本身是由多个日志段组成(log segment).一个日志是一个FileMessageSet,它包含了日志数据以及OffsetIndex对象,该对象使用位移来读取日志数据 * borker配置就是指配置server.properties文件 *最小配置通常情况下需要在减压缩kafka后,修改config/server.properties…
~~~~~~~~~~~My problem is here~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error: Microsoft visual C++ 10.0 is required (unable to find vcvarsall.bat) %VS110COMNTOOLS%部分python的code在setup中存在的问题:找不到C++compiler vcvarsall.bat 不要完全相信所谓的解除bug的神器stackoverflow中给出的答案 http://stackov…
因为ArcEngine10.0默认对应的开发工具为VS2010,在安装了VS2012的情况下安装ArcEngine10.0(注意:我自己的环境为VS2012和ArcEngine10.0,对于其他版本在理论上同样可行,有兴趣的可以试一下),会出现如下图所示的提示,ArcObject SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework requires a supported editon of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010... 如果我们安装的是低…