#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- ##D.has_key(k): A predicate that returns True if D has a key k.##D.items(): Returns the contents of dictionary D as a list of two-element tuples(k,v),##D.iteritems():Returns an iterator that generates the values from dictionary…
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ##s.partition(d)##Searches string s for the first occurrence of some delimiter string d.if s contains##the delimiter,it returns a truple(pre,d,post),where pre is the part of s before##the delimiter ,d is the delimiter itself,an…
--Notes: 测试环境:Windows ,python 2.7.3,python 自带的IDLE #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # First Lesson# --- Line syntax ---# The comment character is "#" ;comments are terminated by end of line.# Long lines may be continued by ending the line with a backslash…
驱动开发读书笔记. 0.06 嵌入式linux视频开发之预备知识 由于毕业设计选择了嵌入式linux视频开发相关的项目,于是找了相关的资料,下面是一下预备知识 UVC : UVC,全称为:USB video class 或USB video device class.是Microsoft与另外几家设备厂商联合推出的为USB视频捕获设备定义的协议标准,目前已成为USB org标准之一. UVC linux driver: UVC linux 驱动 需要在编译内核的时候选上 配置内核 Device…
<3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development>读书笔记1 本文是<3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development>第一版的读书笔记.第二版貌似还没有中文版. 本书网站gamemath.com.中文版居然给了翻译公司的网址,而且里面还什么有用的都没有,囧. 第2章 笛卡尔坐标系统 左手坐标系的记忆方法 伸出左手,手指依次是())))))Z轴.他们分别对应起来,用左手摆成下图的样子(…