
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,不经博主允许注明链接即可转载. If you insist running as root, then set theenvironment variable RUN_AS_USER=root before running this script. 背景 今天笔者在配置Nexus的时输入命令 ./nexus start后出现“ If you insist running as root, then set thee nvironment variable RUN_A…
1.怎么自动截断文本? 如题,当数据库中的数据内容超出了要显示的长度时,如果不采取措施,会破坏页面的布局美观,所以可以采用自动截断文本,需要查看的时候再把其他的内容显示出来. 没截断的时候如下图: 再视图中添加如下代码便可实现截断功能: @helper Truncate(string input, int length) { if (input.Length <= length) { @input } else { @input.Substring(, length)<text>...&…
题目链接 Problem Description A role-playing game (RPG and sometimes roleplaying game) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting…
Text My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year,we were traveling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name an address on it into a bottle. She throw the bottle into th…
Name ipsec.conf - IPsec configuration and connections Description The optional ipsec.conf file specifies most configuration and control information for the Openswan IPsec subsystem. (The major exception is secrets for authentication; seeipsec.secrets…
How to hire After startups raise money, their next biggest problem becomes hiring.  It turns out it’s both really hard and really important to hire good people; in fact, it’s probably the most important thing a founder does. If you don’t hire very we…
Object类型是JavaScript中使用最多的一种类型.创建Object实例的方式有多种,接下来一一列举. 1. Object构造函数 person1的friends属性修改影响了person2的friends,但是person1的age属性修改并未影响person2的age属性. 原因在于:friends数组存在于Person.prototype中而非person1中,因此修改也会通过person2.friends(与person1.friends指向同一个数组)反映出来.而age属性在p…
Monday, May 7, 2012 The Lambda Calculus for Absolute Dummies (like myself)   If there is one highly underrated concept in philosophy today, it is computation. Why is it so important? Because computationalism is the new mechanism. For millennia, philo…
For every object that can have a delegate, there is a corresponding protocol that declares themessages that the object can send its delegate. The delegate implements methods from the protocol forevents it is interested in. When a class implements met…
第一部分 1 初级句型-简单句(Simple Sentences):(1.1)基本句型&补语.(1.2)名词短语&冠词.(1.3)动词时态.(1.4)不定式短语.(1.5)动名词.(1.6)分词.(1.7)形容词.(1.8)副词.(1.9)语气词.(1.10)介词.(1.11)主谓一致性   1.1 五种基本句型&补语 1.1.1 五中基本句型 主谓(sv) 主谓宾(svo) 主谓宾宾(svoo) 主谓补(svc) 主谓宾补(svoc) 一个句子需要“主语”+“动词(谓语)”才能表…