备注: 测试安装环境使用docker mac 版本(目前版本已经支持kubernetes了) 1. 基本安装 curl https://run.conduit.io/install | bash 配置环境变量 Copy /Users/dalong/.conduit/bin/conduit into your PATH. Then run conduit install | kubectl apply -f - 2. 基本使用 a. UI…
MySQL Workbench 01.概述 MySQL Workbench provides DBAs and developers an integrated tools environment for: Database Design & Modeling SQL Development Database Administration Database Migration The Community (OSS) Edition is available from this page unde…
1. 命令行工具 curl -L https://git.io/getIstio | sh - 2. 环境变量配置 export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH 3. RBAC 检验 kubectl api-versions | grep rbac 以下为官方介绍: If the command displays an error, or does not display anything, it means the cluster does not support RBAC, and…